I’m Off at CyberCamp. Come Join Us.

Beginning today, I’m going to be co-facilitating my school district’s CyberCamp, a two-week summer institute focused on teachers building projects that help them to integrate technology into their classrooms.  You won’t see me much here, but I do hope you’ll join us over at CyberCamp’s digital HQ as we do some intense learning and thinking and questioning together.

In fact, I’m counting on it.

One of my hopes for CyberCamp is that we are able to model how transparent and connected learning doesn’t have to be limited to a specific time, place and location, that teachers in my district can learn from you, and that you can learn from them.  We’re all in this together, and that’s a good thing.

We’re putting so much of CyberCamp online in part to honor the wisdom and knowledge of our teachers, but also because we want to model the power of learning networks as professional learning communities.  But that only works if people stop by and join with us in learning and sharing and thinking and questioning and . . . well, you get the point. If you’ve read this blog for any period of time, then you know that I think we’re all better when students and teachers all share and learn and take turns leading.  Teaching and learning can be so isolating – but it doesn’t have to be that way.  CyberCamp, I hope, is an attempt to demonstrate that.

So, I’m writing this post to formally invite you, whoever you are, to come and join in the fun.  And the hard work.  I’ve nothing to offer you except a great deal of learning.  But if you do come and leave a comment or two when you can, our CyberCamp will be all the better for it.  I thank you in advance, and hope to see you at CyberCamp.

Oh, and by the way – we don’t own this model of learning.  There are plenty of folks trying this type of work – and I am grateful to them for sharing what they do as they do it.  That said, I wanted to explicitly remind you that, if you like what you see here, feel free to take it and adapt it to your communities, to your needs.  I pledge to you that I’ll happily come to your CyberCamp.  In fact, I look forward to it.

4 thoughts on “I’m Off at CyberCamp. Come Join Us.

  1. Christine says:

    Looking forward to following along and learning.

  2. Hope it goes well. How exciting! I always did love camp.

  3. Jane Krauss says:

    Through UStream I sat in on the Brecksville-Broadview Heights City School District (Ohio) PD today and watched them teach each other Web 2.0 tools. Tomorrow they are presenting their individual action plans (again on UStream). I started imagining a head-to-head deathmatch between CyberCamp participants and BBHCSD teachers–Who will truly push the boundaries, reimagine the teaching and learning experience and marshal the superpowers of pbl+tech?

  4. Bud Hunt says:


    I love the idea of a deathmatch. I’ll find a cage if you find some folding chairs.

    In all seriousness, we live in interesting times, don’t we?

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