Keep. On. Writing.

I’ve been trying to make it more of a habit to make it to the blog lately to write.  Not so much for you, but for me – there’s lots going on and I fear losing the important bits in the maelstrom of daily tasks.  I figure that a few minutes spent writing any of […]

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Talking CyberCamp with TTT

I’ll be talking about CyberCamp on Teachers Teaching Teachers tonight at 7pm Mountain Time as a piece of a show about summer professional development.  I’ve invited all the CyberCampers, too, so I hope to include them in the conversation.  I hope you can join us, too.

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I’m Off at CyberCamp. Come Join Us.

Beginning today, I’m going to be co-facilitating my school district’s CyberCamp, a two-week summer institute focused on teachers building projects that help them to integrate technology into their classrooms.  You won’t see me much here, but I do hope you’ll join us over at CyberCamp’s digital HQ as we do some intense learning and thinking […]

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