#CMK18 – Building The Metaphor Muse

I’m writing a series of posts about my experiences at CMK. They’re not necessarily in chronological order. They’ll all make better sense together, so check back and read the whole series. At CMK, Carla Rinaldi shared with us powerful experiences from the Reggio Emilia perspective. There’s much to say about her talk, the feelings it […]

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Letting Go Of What You Love

Three incidents today, all tied up in the same big idea, but each their own moment ((I thought an awful lot about Alan’s recent post on blogging all day long, too.  So know it’s in here somewhere, too.)). The moments first. This morning I was in a meeting with several of my colleagues on a […]

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Be Less Hesitant

This post is a bit dated – found it in the drafts folder, dusted it off, and am sharing it now.. The request hasn’t left my mind since offered a couple of months ago. I ended up have an unexpected visit with a mentor of mine yesterday.  It’d been a while since we’d talked and […]

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