The Infrastructure of Belonging – A Note from #cosn2022

My professional life wanders in between physical infrastructure and human infrastructure. I’ve worked on teams focused on building out information networks. Some of those teams have attended to emotional and social networks to the same level of detail and intentionality. Most have not. I’m at the CoSN Conference in Nashville, Tennessee this week, meeting almost […]

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Drop the Fines, Dammit.

From time to time, I counsel other libraries on how to think about fines and fees and service charges, both from a technical perspective but also from a philosophical one. Last week, I had one of these conversations, and, as I’m trying to rekindle a public writing habit, I thought I’d recount some thoughts from […]

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“Certainty’s a Drug”

Two random events that converged for me today: A tweet from Mike Caulfield that reminded me that the people who don’t know are often the ones who believe otherwise: "Uh, did you realize GASLIGHT was a FILM from the 40s lol" What do we call this Dunning-Kruger-like pattern where people think the fact they've recently […]

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