Faking It

  I’m working with a couple groups of teachers next week who want to explore the idea of blogging as a way of promoting inquiry and professional growth in their practice. As I’ve proposed to one group, here’s the session description as I’m thinking of it: We’re on the third generation of writing tools for […]

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Seek Less Permission

Over the weekend, I read Dan’s post. I thought it was the right thing to say, and a good way to think about moving a networkish kind of community-esque thing into a better place in a time of networked publicness ((Yeah, I know that’s a ridiculous phrase – but it’s more accurate than something like […]

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"Pummeled by a Deluge"

Rebecca Blood, a lifetime ago in Internet time, : We are being pummeled by a deluge of data and unless we create time and spaces in which to reflect, we will be left with only our reactions. And when I read Dean yesterday talking of owning one’s space to share one’s words, and then Tony’s […]

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Digging In

If you’ve been following along on what I’ve been up to lately, you know that I’ve been facilitating, along with Michelle and some colleagues from the , some teacher research projects in my school district.  It’s good and important work, and I’m trying, as we facilitate, to be engaged in my own teacher research along […]

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The Podcast: Why I’m Not a Fan of Free (At School) (Infrastructure, I Mean)

UPDATE: In the comments below, Mike advocates for free versions of desktop software.  I am completely in favor of those options for students and schools.  I also like free and open source software for digital infrastructure.  (Both the software packages I mention in the podcast are free and open source tools.) The “free” I’m talking […]

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An Open Letter to Teachers

Here in my neck of the woods, it’s the weekend before the start of classes. At my house, life got frantic this week as my wife, a high school language arts teacher, returned to work. It’s about to get really busy if you are at all involved in education. As you gear up in whatever […]

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Goal #1 – Build Community

Goal:  Work to build multiple and overlapping communities of learners in our district who have knowledge, expertise and/or interest in the hardware and software and services that our district is supporting.  Help those communities to begin to learn from each other and to support each other in their teaching and learning.  As best as I […]

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