The 100th Post, and a Podcast to Boot

    This is the 100th post on this blog.  That’s not the reason for this post, however.  Yesterday, I started using a new podcast rig.  I was testing it out and stumbled into a podcast.  In this podcast, I discuss and reflect on the experiment, the social in social software, and perhaps ramble on for a bit longer than I should have. 
    As always, let me know how to make the podcast more useful to you.  Thanks for listening!  Here are the relevant links for this podcast:
    * Nancy’s blog (Random Thoughts)
    * Darren @ A Difference
    * Outside the Cave
    * Anne Davis
    * Adventures in Educational Blogging
    * Steve Dembo

One thought on “The 100th Post, and a Podcast to Boot

  1. steve says:

    I’ve been meaning to dowload your podcasts for a while…thanks for the extra motivation in talking about me (I’m downloading your’s and Darren’s as I type). Congrats on the end of school.
    I just wanted to share your amazement with the ability of this technology to help us connect. I followed up my “Responsible Bloggin Lesson” with a little rant to my students about how amazed I’ve been at how much I’ve grown in just two weeks of blogging. I was most amazed by one of the things you mentioned – I’ve connected with teacher in Malaysia.
    We’re living in an amazing time to be a teacher. I’m looking forward to see what you do next year!

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