Digging In

If you’ve been following along on what I’ve been up to lately, you know that I’ve been facilitating, along with Michelle and some colleagues from the , some teacher research projects in my school district.  It’s good and important work, and I’m trying, as we facilitate, to be engaged in my own teacher research along […]

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The Podcast: Bloggin' in the Rain

On today’s podcast, I attempt to answer a series of Twitter questions from Nawal about how to promote writing environments that help students to (as Will calls it.)  I also rant a bit about “blogging units” (I’m against ’em.)  Somewhere in there, I reference George Hillocks’ really excellent metaanalysis of composition instruction studies (PDF) and […]

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Intruding. In Public.

Earlier today, I sent a link to a student’s Twitter account to a staff member in the school he attends with a request that she share the link with a counselor in the school.  I read some things that caused me to worry for him.  Nothing too extreme, the sorts of things that kids, particularly […]

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The Podcast: Why I’m Not a Fan of Free (At School) (Infrastructure, I Mean)

UPDATE: In the comments below, Mike advocates for free versions of desktop software.  I am completely in favor of those options for students and schools.  I also like free and open source software for digital infrastructure.  (Both the software packages I mention in the podcast are free and open source tools.) The “free” I’m talking […]

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Time for a New Button?

I read banned books Originally uploaded by Bud the Teacher I wonder if there’s a button with the slogan “I surf an unfiltered Internet,” or “I read filtered blogs.” Maybe “I read blocked blogs,” is better – more alliterative. Along another line, perhaps a button with the message “I’d trust my kids in Al Upton’s […]

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Student Citizen Journalism

    Mary asked a question the other day that I thought was worth pulling into a main post.  She : Bud (and others), how do you envision students using CoverItLive for anything related to citizen journalism? -Mary I : Mary, What a great question. I’ve got a longer post that I’d like to write about […]

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Thinking ’bout Linking

It was about a year ago that I wrote a piece for English Journal on teaching “blogging” vs. “writing with blogs” that was pretty much a re-hash of some blog posts that I thought were saying something. The trouble is, I wasn’t sure what they were saying. I’ve been fumbling at this one for a […]

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Colorado XO Users?

    Tomorrow, I’m going to begin working with the 7-year-old winner of an XO computer.  She won the computer in a drawing at our school district’s technology fair. We’ll be documenting her progress and our learning on a new blog.  But as I am getting ready to create her blog, and populate the sidebar […]

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