Time for a New Button?

I read banned books

Originally uploaded by Bud the Teacher

I wonder if there’s a button with the slogan “I surf an unfiltered Internet,” or “I read filtered blogs.” Maybe “I read blocked blogs,” is better – more alliterative.

Along another line, perhaps a button with the message “I’d trust my kids in Al Upton’s classroom,” would be a good slogan, too.
Any graphic artists out there? I’ll buy in bulk.

9 thoughts on “Time for a New Button?

  1. Bud Hunt says:

    Nice. Your work?

  2. Yes — first idea that came to mind… not good “design” practice, but I think I’m going to order this as a t-shirt (along with some buttons and stickers) to wear at NECC 🙂

  3. Bud Hunt says:

    Nice. I considered Cafepress – but I don’t have the skills.

  4. Adrian says:

    Hey Bud,

    Just put some graphics together for you over on my blog. They look a little nicer this way 🙂




  5. tom says:

    I’ve seen different variations of this: http://tinyurl.com/5ugvmo in different countries where the government bans blogs or entire blog services (like WordPress). Depending on the country different colors have been used. Maybe red, white and blue for the US?

    I left additional comments at Change Agency (http://tinyurl.com/449627) about the plight of blogs around the world. My main point was this:
    “I hope that if people see the logical extension of censorship they will more vigorously cherish and fight for the right to speak.”

  6. Sharon Betts says:

    Just in time for my soap-box! I have been struggling with teaching educational good choices vs. protectionism from the “outside”.

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