The Podcast: Future Ready?

Last month, I had the privilege of giving the keynote address for The Future Ready Summit in Denver.  Ben recorded the audio, and was kind enough to share it with me. So I’m sharing it with you. Direct Link to Audio Not sure if it’ll translate without the visuals – so the slides are […]

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The Podcast: Howdy from #campipad

On this episode of the podcast, I give a little background on this week’s Camp iPad, a week of exploration and tinkering around our forthcoming future technology exploits in the district, masterfully facilitated by Kyle and Michelle, with me along for color commentary.  Would love to know what you’re up to in creating thoughtful spaces […]

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The Podcast: A Culture of Inquiry?

In this edition of the podcast,  I explore some of my frustrations lately regarding some pushback I’m seeing as I facilitate some teacher research in my school district.  I also wander through some first draft thinking on why that pushback exists. I welcome your comments and suggestions, as always. Direct Link to Audio

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The Podcast: Infrastructure Matters

Today’s podcast is an excerpt of Troy and Sara and my Reports from Cyberspace conversation at NCTE’s 2010 Annual Convention. Specifically, this is my prepared section of the presentation, which I’ve called “Infrastructure Matters.” Infrastructure does matter, and it’s never been more important to make sure that the conditions for learning exist in every element […]

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The Podcast: Bloggin' in the Rain

On today’s podcast, I attempt to answer a series of Twitter questions from Nawal about how to promote writing environments that help students to (as Will calls it.)  I also rant a bit about “blogging units” (I’m against ’em.)  Somewhere in there, I reference George Hillocks’ really excellent metaanalysis of composition instruction studies (PDF) and […]

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