The Podcast: USDoE Listening Session at NCTE

In this podcast, recorded on my last day at the NCTE Annual Convention, I share a recording of a listening session hosted by NCTE.  In the session, the U.S. Department of Education’s Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach, Peter Cunningham, represents the Department.  He took questions for most of the session, and I found the conversation fascinating.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be in conversation with our government, and I hope that you are making efforts to be in conversation with your public officials.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the conversation.  I’ll share two short observations.  First, I found that there were many issues raised by the questioners in the audience.  Thoughtful ones, in many cases.  But it seems that what was heard was simply “we (meaning educators) want less testing.”  That’s a gross oversimplification of the issues expressed.  I do hope that the US Department of Education is listening just a little more carefully ((I think they are, but it’s sure hard to tell sometimes.))

I’d also reiterate my eagerness to see the specifics of the National Ed Tech Plan implementation.  Right now, it’s a fine plan.  How will it be implemented? ((Plans without timelines are visioning statements, and not action plans.  I hope this one becomes an action plan.))

Direct link to the audio

2 thoughts on “The Podcast: USDoE Listening Session at NCTE

  1. Kim McCollum-Clark says:

    Bud, I was just listening to the podcast (thanks so much for making the recording!) and I wonder if you understood his response to you. The USDE has three ways to affect reform, he said. 1) the bully pulpit, 2) transparency and 3) carrots. I don’t understand what he was saying about transparency. Do you? You asked for more of it, but I am not sure how it came into his answer.

    I am still processing the talk, but I am not feeling great about it. Did you see Secretary Duncan had a blog up for the National Day of Reform blogging on the Huffington Post? It contained his non-negotiables, many of which we heard trotted out by Mr. Cunningham.

    I guess I wish Mr. C. would add “know whereof you speak” to his “say what you mean” mantra.

    Thanks again for posting the audio.

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