Wiki Thinking

    I love that the resource wiki gets attention from time to time.  It’s sitting out there, patiently waiting for others to discover and add their ideas when then can. (Someday, I’ve got to do some reorganization work there.  Or, you could, if you wanted to.)     Today, this appeared on the meta-wiki […]

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Are Blogs Publications?

    We’re having lots of success with the CSUWP blog.  About half the group is either writing for it or thinking about it.  Last weekend, Megan asked, via the blog, a question that is pretty interesting for teachers who write and/or keep blogs.  She writes: I’ve been doing some research into publishing poetry, and […]

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Got Any Podcast Topics?

    I’m headed to Pueblo tomorrow to give a presentation on teaching writing.  I’m excited to do the presentation, but I’ve got almost six hours in the car tomorrow.  I’ve got plenty of good stuff to listen to, but I could use a little help.    I’ve got all that time and two recording […]

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The World Cafe

    Since my wife introduced me to the format, I’ve used the World Cafe discussion model a handful of times in my classes.  I didn’t know it had a website until now.

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What We Leave Behind

    I read this article today: In the fall of 1886, 17-year-old John Rothrock was late to school eight times; his older brother, William, 18, was tardy five times. Their teacher, Mary Killgore, earned $65 a month; her male counterpart earned $111. And between January and May 1887, there were several incidents of corporal […]

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A Poetry Podcast

     I’ve mentioned before that I’m working with a fabulous group of .  I also mentioned that I was hoping to get them podcasting.  It’s begun.  Today’s podcast is a reading from Megan Freeman, one of our teachers.  she’s got some great poetry here, and is setting a fine example.  Please share a supportive […]

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Writing Project Begins

        Monday was the first day of the 2005 Summer Institute.  Over the next month, I’m tickled to death to have the opportunity to write, think, and scheme with some of the brightest teachers in Colorado.  I know that many of you who’re reading this blog have a connection.  Would it be too […]

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Fan Fiction on Open Source

    Right after I finished my last post, I read this over at Chris Lydon’s Open Source blog: Does Aaron Spelling own the TV he makes, or do we? Sometimes we love what we watch — or read — so much that we can’t let go when the series ends. Fan fiction — creating […]

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