
Jennifer Jones tweeted a link to this video this morning, and I think it’s a fine example of what a connected organization, in this case Abilene Christian University, and connected teaching and learning,  can look like.  We’re getting to a stage in the learning game where we should be thinking about ways to help students […]

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Dear Readers, Please Forgive

   Please forgive Typepad.  They’ve apparently mixed up their feeds, and have been pushing celebrity gossip through mine and many other Typepad users.  Yet another reason why I contemplate leaving.    I’m sure they didn’t mean harm, and that they’ll apologize for, or at least acknowledge, their mistake soon.   Right, Typepad? Update: This was […]

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Colorado XO Users?

    Tomorrow, I’m going to begin working with the 7-year-old winner of an XO computer.  She won the computer in a drawing at our school district’s technology fair. We’ll be documenting her progress and our learning on a new blog.  But as I am getting ready to create her blog, and populate the sidebar […]

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The Podcast: Learning from each other

       Today’s podcast, recorded yesterday, is a short recording about Myra and her work with our district library clerks as they learn more about he read/write web.  Enjoy. Links Myra’s course The "23 Things "  project – which is formally called Learning 2.0An article about our school district’s Tech Fair (which I don’t […]

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