Student Portfolios

    We’re fiddling with text and other media hosting over at our school’s blogging experiment.  Stop on by and give us a hand or take a look.  There are wikis to help create, after all!

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Reflective Blogging/Teaching

    Recently, Clarence over at Remote Access wrote: I posted last week on the fact that a lot of teachers are writing and keeping blogs; which is great. I also posted about how a lot of these blogs are not about teachers at work in their classrooms. They are not blogs where teachers reflect […]

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Portfolio Progress

    My blogging students and I got to work today on our portfolios.  The end goal is to create a school-wide electronic portfolio system.  We’re the pilot.  Before we could get too far, we had to figure out some basics — pretty essential stuff like where we will host stuff and how we will […]

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The Value of Xanga

    I’ve been wondering an awful lot about the educational uses of online journals.  This thinking has come from our recent foray into the blogging/journaling differences.     It seems like online journals are getting a bad rap.    And perhaps while they don’t have a place within the content of my language arts […]

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Student Blogging Wiki

    The wiki for our Blogfolio course is now up and online.  There are only two pages so far — one for Student Blogging Rules and one for Student Blogging Questions.  Feel free to check out the pages and to add your ideas or comments.     I was going to introduce a wiki […]

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    We were looking at wikis in Blogfolio today.  I finally had a chance to show somebody the Heavy Metal Umlaut video that I discovered in February.  The video, called a screencast by the author, Jon Udell, consists of audio played over a moving screenshot of someone else’s computer.  The short movie explains how […]

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Introducing . . .

    Well, I promised that I would put up a link to my students’ blogs at the end of the school day today in a podcast and post on Wednesday.  But Will Richardson beat me to it.  That’s actually much better — his curiosity led to an afternoon of excitement for us as we […]

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A Big Day — New Podcast (#4)

    Today was a big day for my school blogging project.  Light bulbs went on as the students began to realize just what they were getting into.  More on that later.    On Thursday, I’ll be sharing the URL’s of my students public blogs.  Until then, here’s a short podcast on how today’s class […]

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