This afternoon, as I was reviewing notes from a meeting that I really hope turns into something interesting, I ran across this line:
I just want it to be sexy for Colorado educators to be reflective about their practice.
It turns out that I said that. And, well, yeah. I mean it. As I see the standards changing, and the assessments coming and the stakes going up ((Another view on value-added.)) while the quality of the rhetoric is going down, that’s really what I want to see. I want it to be said and praised that the folks who emerge as the victors in the educational reform conversations aren’t the ones with the best toys, or the ones who have the biggest PR budgets, or the ones who have the loudest megaphones or maybe even the ones with the best test scores. ((A good score on a crummy test is still a crummy score.))
I want the ones who get the glory to be the men and women toiling in cramped office spaces, working through complex arguments, ideas and situations. I want the big shots to be the ones who are actually wrestling with ideas and opportunities and setbacks and successes. The heroes are the folks who are struggling to help children to realize amazing ((And I don’t use that word lightly. I actually expect to be amazed. Enthralled. )) things. And are wrestling with the ideas that emerge from such work. I want the reflective teachers to come through in the lead and with the praise and admiration.
Are you with me? Let’s make thoughtful sexy. Again.
I so agree Bud. Making reflection sexy! I like it.
But this latest focus on value-added testing keeps me up at night.
Well said and well timed, Bud. I’ve just completed my second week of a doctoral program and we’ve spent most of our time reflecting on what we’ve done, what we know, how we know, and what we want. I’m convinced that we’re not just reflecting because it’s expected of doctoral students, but because reflection is powerful for educators at all levels.
If there’s another lesson to be learned from reflection, it’s that you should share your reflections with others. Find somebody with different experiences and perspectives, somebody who can both challenge and affirm your beliefs. I certainly get all the challenge I desire from my professors and colleagues, and I love it!
Reflection. It’s the only way to improve.
Mmmm… Taylor Mali.
Isn’t it amazing what can come from reflective practices? I wonder how one would add value to that? (wink)
Yes, teachers need to reflect. Rather hard to do in an environment that places such an emphasis on data-driven instruction and the next new, big, million-dollar idea. We need to stop, reflect, and change one small thing to make ONE huge difference.