I’m Not Waiting

For many of my colleagues, the last few days have been some of those days where it’d just be better if there were no Internet, and there were a safe place to hide.  Folks’re keeping their heads down, or their hackles up.  Either way, something’s not right.  Between Oprah and NBC, it seems that everyone’s […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-09-27

Starting the day with a department meeting with the superintendent. # Best name ever for a document full of long numbers and bits of administrivia. http://twitpic.com/2qbuw6 # Re-posting. Because she's right. http://milobo.edublogs.org/2010/09/17/easy-is-a-four-letter-word/ # So it looks like Oprah Winfrey solved all the problems of public education today. Whew. That's a relief that she could take […]

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