Hyperlinks as Punctuation?

How might you punctuate the words below in ways that create different meanings? Might hyperlinks serve as punctuation, too?

I haven’t a clue, just thinking out loud, but I can think of at least three ways to punctuate those words below, each creating very different meanings, not including hyperlinks.


The words in question:

I don’t write well like you do

4 thoughts on “Hyperlinks as Punctuation?

  1. Amy Strecker says:

    I don’t write well, like you do.
    I don’t. Write, “well like you do.”
    I don’t write. Well, like you do?
    I don’t write, “well like.” You do.
    I don’t? Write well, like you do.
    I don’t? Write, “well, like you do.”

    …and more variations of the same. Colons, dashes and semicolons could provide additional variations.

    Hyperlinks can definitely change the meaning of words and sentences. I’m not sure if I’d call them punctuation though? I don’t know what I’d consider them; they’re almost more like adjectives/adverbs describing the word/phrase in question.

    Interesting thoughts!

    Amy Streckers last blog post..The Voice of Reason in Social Media: danah boyd

  2. John says:

    Interesting article. Hyperlinks can change the whole context of a sentence. Some of the sentences don’t make sense where you put the quotes…but its interesting to see this in practice.

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  4. Ken Allan says:

    Kia ora Bud!

    I’ve always understood that underline, italics, quotes and brackets, among other symbolic artifacts, act as parenthesis. So when I quote the title of a book or post, such as Hyperlinks As Punctuation I put it in quotes.

    If I do this in a post or comment and also add a hyperlink with the title as the label, it is the same effect as using brackets AND quotes, so I leave the quotes out.

    So, yes, a hyperlink can act as punctuation.

    Catchya later
    from Middle-earth

    Ken Allans last blog post..The Definitive Investigation – Don Tapscott

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