A First Draft in Two Voices

This is a post in two voices that lives in two places. You can read the other version on Katie’s website. In this version, Katie’s voice appears in italics. It’s been a few weeks now since Katie Henry and I met up at reMAKE Education to run two sessions of a workshop that has me […]

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Faking It

  I’m working with a couple groups of teachers next week who want to explore the idea of blogging as a way of promoting inquiry and professional growth in their practice. As I’ve proposed to one group, here’s the session description as I’m thinking of it: We’re on the third generation of writing tools for […]

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Where’s Your Refrigerator?

A couple of years ago, when I was doing some regular work for an area art museum, my daughter, Ani, asked me if, on our next trip to visit the museum, it’d be okay if we took along some of her artwork to show the museum. That was a tricky conversation we had to have […]

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The Podcast: Two Fall Projects

In today’s podcast, I talk about a couple of projects that are keeping me pretty busy this fall – finishing my thesis and building  with some friends from the NWP.  Oddly, they go together.  Which is a good thing.  Keep your fingers crossed.  And, as always, would love to hear your thoughts in response to […]

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Connective Children. Nothing New?

This afternoon, Mary Ann and WIll were talking a bit about Kindergarten standards.  I butted in. ((That’s one thing Twitter’s good for – having open conversation – both so that you can model what that might look like as well as allow folks to intrude.  And, yeah.  I know I just wrote this.  And am […]

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"Pummeled by a Deluge"

Rebecca Blood, a lifetime ago in Internet time, : We are being pummeled by a deluge of data and unless we create time and spaces in which to reflect, we will be left with only our reactions. And when I read Dean yesterday talking of owning one’s space to share one’s words, and then Tony’s […]

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