Getting Lost

Damon Lindelof on Lost: We don’t live in a media culture anymore where you can write a show like Lost, where the people who care about it really care about it, and then say to them: ”We’re not going to talk to you about it.” via ‘Lost’: The Final Word |

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Enter #EduConText

Teachers should create. Coversations can lead to tremendous bursts of creation and excitement. Capturing creation through writing and returning to it later is how innovative ideas are refined. Enter #EduConText. Each day leading up to EduCon, Zac Chase and I will write about some of our thinking surrounding selected EduCon sessions.  We’ll also share some […]

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The Clock's Ticking

Right now, according to Sir Ken Robinson, my children are at the peak of their viagra usa divergent thinking abilities.  And those will diminish as they advance in their schooling.  Uh oh.  So, how do we build schools that amplify, rather than eradicate, divergent thinking? This is not an idle question. Watch the video and […]

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Hyperlinks as Punctuation?

How might you punctuate the words below in ways that create different meanings? Might hyperlinks serve as punctuation, too? I haven’t a clue, just thinking out loud, but I can think of at least three ways to punctuate those words below, each creating very different meanings, not including hyperlinks. You? The words in question: I […]

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NCTE Brain Dump

I am sitting in the lobby of my hotel in San Antonio, waiting for the shuttle to take me back to the airport. For the first time since I arrived here, I am sitting at a full keyboard to write instead of frantically thumbing words into my iPhone keyboard. Here in the lobby, I have […]

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