IT People Are People, Too.

Saw this at Dean’s place:

It doesn’t take much to take down IT workers, the uphill battle is keeping them motivated and fighting the good fight.

Bill’s comment was a good reminder. It’s easy to cast the Others, especially the ones you don’t know and haven’t met, be they IT or Administration or Parents or Politicians, or Whatever, as The Problem. The Evil.

Some folks even say such things about Teachers.

But that doesn’t mean that they are. And it doesn’t mean that your barbs won’t hurt. Or are fair.

IT folks, and parents, and politicians and teachers and everybody else are, well, people. Worthy of kindness and courtesy.

So let’s be careful (and kind) ((Dare I say “loving?” Oops. Just did.)) out there.

Update: Dean made the compelling case that it appeared as though I was calling him out in this post. That was not my intention. My interest was the comment – seems it doesn’t take much to bring anybody down. And we should work to raise people up. Which was my intention here.

As I told him via Twitter – if I’d’ve wanted to call him out, I would have done so explicitly. I’m sorry that it appeared otherwise. Love to hear your take on this in the comments.

5 thoughts on “IT People Are People, Too.

  1. James says:

    Good point. But there are some departments that need to feel some heat. I know in my own county, the people who make decisions are often two (or three) steps removed from the people who have to implement the decision.

    Every one is worthy of respect as a human being, but utter and sheer stupidity (or laziness) deserves to be ridiculed utterly.

    1. Bud Hunt says:

      By all means, criticize poor decisions. Thoughtfully critique and offer suggestions. But don’t take cheap shots. Be kind in your criticism.

  2. I’ve been called many things in my day, but not unkind. However, in this case I understand the accusation and am pondering my words.

    As Bill pointed out to me and you reiterate, it was a bit of a sweeping generalization. I amended my post somewhat but after some recent conversations with folks in other districts, I did want to strike a nerve. Sounds like James feels the same. Perhaps I didn’t choose the best words. I don’t know. While that sentence was very much an aside to the main idea of that post, I did include for others who may want to share it with those who may be hindering their effects to use a tool like Skype.

    For being unkind, I apologize. As someone who writes lots and someone who doesn’t always think through each sentence, I’m sure I’ve offended others unknowingly. I’m glad Bill was brave enough to call me on it. That said, I’m not sure I completely regret my intent or my words. I know others would have either avoided the reference altogether, elaborated more or figured out a way to make a statement in a less offensive way. I deliberately chose to include it, not elaborate but strike a nerve without alienating folks. I just I failed at that. Interested in hearing an alternative approach.

    1. Bud Hunt says:


      I’m glad you stopped by. I didn’t think you were unkind, nor was I responding to your words. I thought the comment was interesting outside of its immediate context. Specifically, I thought the reminder was useful. I’m sorry I wasn’t more clear.

  3. No problem. And yet Bill’s comment makes me think. I don’t want to offend and yet at times, a slightly biting remark or even sarcasm can serve a purpose. It’s normally not my style but I still wonder about the insertion of the almost off the cuff remark. Is it a useful approach? In the end, it pleased me that I could elaborate in the comment section. I didn’t want to explore it in the post itself but wanted to include it.

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