Why Teachers Like Me Support Unions

Because American schools are places of democracy, where we model for our children the best of what we can be.  And when we disagree, we sit at the table together and work through the issues.  That’s what grownups do.  That’s why. I do not belong to my association, as I am not eligible for membership.  […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-03-21

I know that this "river" is manmade, but I still like walking alongside it. http://t.co/CjXoIIf http://t.co/xtHm7cD http://t.co/02Q85qU # Looking forward to giving this more attention when I get back from vacation. http://t.co/u4AyoFq # It is likely that I'll have ice cream for dinner. I'm okay with that. #vacation #sogood # @chrislehmann Go get 'em, Chris. […]

Read More The Week in Tweets for 2011-03-21