Yeah. It’s Like That.

Sheridan Blau on the National Writing Project, writing on page 98 of James Gray’s Teachers at the Center: Having experienced what it means to learn in a community of learners, teachers are inclined to count such learning as more authoritative and authentic than any other and to think of such learning as the proper aim […]

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NPM 2011: Prompt -1

photo credit: HeavenlyShell I didn’t know what bokeh was before just a few moments ago when I stumbled across this definition: In photography, bokeh (Japanese pronunciation: [boke][1][2]) is the blur,[3][2] or the aesthetic quality of the blur,[4][5][6] in out-of-focus areas of an image, or “the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light.”[7] Differences in […]

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NPM 2011: Let’s Begin. Again.

For the last couple of years, I’ve published a photo poetry prompt each day of April as a way to honor National Poetry Month.  Poetry and poets are important, and I hope that this month you can take some time to read some poems, write some poems, and think about the role that language plays […]

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