The Textile Network

I’m spending some time today with the folks at Flagstaff Academy in Longmont and digging into an old bag of tricks. Can you guess which slide is the yarn slide? Flagstaff folk – I hope we can continue some of the conversations that we started today here in the comments.  I’d love to hear your thoughts and reactions.  Thanks.

PS – Terri, the link to the video you saw is here.

5 thoughts on “The Textile Network

  1. Mandy says:

    THANK YOU for coming!! I created this blog while you were talking!! Inspiring!
    .-= Mandy´s last blog ..Opening up my Network… =-.

  2. Kevin Pugh says:

    Thanks Bud! I enjoyed your session this morning!

  3. Kevin Pugh says:

    Another “node” for your network – I’m blogging about my efforts to finish a marathon in every state before I turn 50. Check it out!
    .-= Kevin Pugh´s last blog ..Back to School! =-.

  4. Mandy says:

    had to change the site… account issues…
    .-= Mandy´s last blog ..Opening up my Network… =-.

  5. ZPM says:

    thanks for chatting up your day at Flagstaff. many staff members have told how much they enjoyed your talk and Michelle’s session. don’t be a stranger, stop by anytime.

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