Tweet Less? Blog More?

I’m wondering if it makes sense to self-impose a “no posting on Twitter” rule for a couple of weeks just to see if it boosts the posting I do here. Anyone every try that? Results? I’m pretty sure Twitter, which I think is completely valuable, entirely saps my will to blog.


22 thoughts on “Tweet Less? Blog More?

  1. I understand how this experiment could work though for me it’s the opposite. I see things on twitter that make me want to blog about it.

  2. Not sure about the direct one for one connection between twitter addiction and quality blogging. My guess is that stepping back from overuse of twitter could also lead to more quality time with the kids, the dog, with reading, with the significant other, with non-computer hobbies and interests, with health care, with a number of things. But, acutally.. like Mathew has already noted. I see a stronger mutual relationship between twitter and blogging than other areas of life (or nonlife).

    I have been “chastised” by my significant other, coworkers and even my dog concerning twitter, but my blog hasn’t yelled (or barked) at me yet!

    🙂 Frank

  3. Not for me, Bud.
    I can’t seem to stop writing and Twitter is yet another way to connect to a larger community.
    I would love to see you more often in my RSS, though.


  4. … on the other hand the quality of your blog posts might increase because you put most of the random blurts on Twitter and save the really good stuff that needs more attention for your blog. Twitter is great for sharing links and short ideas, thoughts, while blogs are a place where we can provide more background and arguments to our ideas.

  5. I am blogging less because of twitter. I always have time for a tweet when I feel I can spare the time for a blog post. I do not think it is necessarily bad. We live in a society where we want everything fast including our information. Interesting point, Bud. Let me know what you discover if you try this experiment.

  6. Okay I am going to be boring and obvious. Balance is the key in everything. Too much or too little of anything – well you know the rest of that phrase.

    Yes I do find that Tweets sometimes enable me to blog an idea or a thought that I feel passionate about that is brought up in a tweet. Blogging does take a lot of time and thought, but is well worth it in the “working of my brain cells” and the results that I get to as a result.

    Tweets for me would be best if I received responses to my questions as in theory it will, but I don’t have enough followers I guess as I don’t get many responses. And perhaps I don’t tweet enough to garner those followers. Maybe I just can’t concisely tweet – I need a blog – I write a lot in a post just as I talk a lot (smile). though I still have to make my self keep the habit of blogging regularly.

    I am tweeting less and blogging more. I wonder how you guys who are on twitter all the time do it. I lurk, read and check out the tiny urls, but really like to use it for gathering information when I need it quickly. But it hasn’t really worked that way yet. Maybe I am not putting enough into it.

    ‘nough said. . .

  7. Interesting question Bud. As I started using Twitter before I started blogging, I can’t compare pre and post Twitter use. I’m still trying to figure out the whole “why do I blog” thing. I’m not sure I will. I too am interested in hearing the results of this possible experiment.

  8. I think there is a direct (inverse) relationship between Twitter and my other online activities, but for me, I found myself reading my RSS feed once I started following Twitter.

  9. I see blogging and Twitter going well together. I started some blogs early and then they found themselves on the back burner. Now with Twitter, I have learned of several new applications, readings, and developed great connections. It is those items that have gotten me to start up my blogs again and establish a podcast series that will be centered on students and the technology projects they complete. I am in hope of the podcasts being a motivation for my school district teachers to take advantage of our 1:1 program and all the other technology advances currently in place.

  10. Have to agree with those that are blogging less because of Twitter. But, I still read heaps of feeds from my RSS who aren’t in Twitter. I guess it’s all about time – not enough of it!

  11. Something tells me that while we are all here filling up Bud’s blog (and not twittering ourselves) that he is in the twitterverse having a ball. Perhaps there is some method to his madness?

    We are indeed twittering less now, but growing Bud’s blog, not our own! Hahaha! Now that’s the power of persuasion! Just kidding, of course (I think).

    🙂 Frank

  12. I can’t speak for others, but I’ve noticed that if I’ve already said it on Twitter or Pownce I’m hesitant to repeat myself in a blog entry – even though in a blog I’m able to expand greatly on my 140 character thought snippet.

  13. Thanks, everyone, for the input. I find that Twitter is wicked valuable for all of the reasons mentioned above – links to interesting stuff, serendipitious connections to others and to important programming and learning opportunities, etc. But I do have a hunch that stay in touch there leads me to neglect this space, in part due to time, in part due to repetition, as Aaron mentions.

    So I think I might just take a Twitter time out – from posting – and see what that does for me on the blog end. I might discover that I really am not blogging more because I don’t have anything to say. Or because it’s too complicated to create a blog post for a sentence or two of entry (probably not).

    Maybe I won’t take a timeout. Gee whiz – this is a tricky decision.

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