Overarching. For now.

I think it’s very important to be in conversation with people with whom we disagree.  That’s one reason why I like the Bridging Differences blog so much.  In Deborah Meier’s latest post, she suggests some “overarching agreements.” I can live with these: Meanwhile, let’s you and I play with the range of “overarching” agreements that […]

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Staying Up. Looking Up.

Students at Burlington Elementary School slept over at the school last night to watch the sky.  For the last time, alas, due to a curriculum change, according to the article.  I sure hope there will be other opportunities like this one.  Heck, I’ll volunteer to chaperone, if that helps. I love that stuff. My favorite […]

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Time for a New Button?

I read banned books Originally uploaded by Bud the Teacher I wonder if there’s a button with the slogan “I surf an unfiltered Internet,” or “I read filtered blogs.” Maybe “I read blocked blogs,” is better – more alliterative. Along another line, perhaps a button with the message “I’d trust my kids in Al Upton’s […]

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Reading Balance

Clay Burell’s challenged me (or tagged me, or whatever) to engage a meme that he’s passing along.  I might.  I’m bad about memes.  I don’t mean to be.  (And I am thinking about a good passion quilt image and will post one.  Eventually.  Thanks to all who tagged me.) But I did want to encourage […]

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Lies. Statistics. Whatever.

One hundred percent of my family is technologically literate. No, really.  I’ve got the numbers to back that up. Here’s how I would report that to the Department of Education: Number of members of my family: 4 Number who are technologicaly literate: 4. If you know me or my family at all, I suspect that […]

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(Re)Creating Ourselves Online

The Reflective Teacher, one of my favorite reflective practitioners, left his blog behind recently.  But now he’s back with another: Anyway, I figured it was time for a reinvention as a teacher. I see in myself a different person than I was when I became a teacher, and therefore have moved things over to another […]

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Missing YA Literature

One of the frustrating bits about working in technology rather than in language arts for the last ten months is that I haven’t really had a good reason to keep up on all the great YA literature out there.  I’m not in a position to recommend books to students at the moment – so I’ve […]

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NCTE Asks: How has teaching changed?

I’m seeing lots of opportunities lately, to connect my learning network(s), offline and on.  Here’s one – a request from NCTE.  Write away, whether you’re an NCTE member or not: We’re interested in how your teaching has changed�in how you have altered, adjusted, or shifted your habits and expectations�since the time you began teaching. For […]

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There Isn’t Just One

I didn’t want to let too much time go by before responding to Doug’s post, and the others that have followed it, but I haven’t have time for a thorough response.  There’s plenty of thoughtfulness in the posts and comments, but I did just want to state, again, that I’m pretty sure an awful lot […]

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An Ugly Pursuit Well Worth Pursuing

Last week, I received a review copy of Relentless Pursuit: A Year in the Trenches with Teach for America.  Thought it was worth taking a minute or two to say that I’m definitely a fan of the book.  I’m impressed with the way the author, Donna Foote, has captured the different teachers, students,  administrators, and […]

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