The Podcast: Pre-Baby Brain Dump

Today’s podcast, recorded on my drive in to Longmont this morning, is a quick brain dump of several of the things that I’m thinking about as I head into new baby time.  Mostly for me, this was an attempt to capture some ideas before they slipped away as well as to offer the change for […]

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The Podcast: Why Technology

Ben Grey asked me if I’d be willing to respond to his recent post entitled “Why Technology.”  I tried to do so in today’s podcast, although I don’t think I broke any new ground or said anything I haven’t said before. (Such a ringing endorsement, huh?) Direct Link to Audio

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The Podcast: Worth Keeping

Today’s podcast is a continuation of some thinking that came out of a roundtable conversation that I had at Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation.  Karl reminds me that I’ve been forgetting to share here on the blog lately.  I’ll try to do better. As always, I’m interested in your thoughts. Link to the Audio

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The Podcast: Sharing Flipcharts

On this podcast, recorded during yesterday’s commute, I share a little bit about the meeting I was driving home from, a conversation about how best to share resources across districts in the middle of an environment that encourages a different sort of sharing. I then layout my idea for a possible sharing tool.  As always, […]

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The Podcast: Why I’m Not a Fan of Free (At School) (Infrastructure, I Mean)

UPDATE: In the comments below, Mike advocates for free versions of desktop software.  I am completely in favor of those options for students and schools.  I also like free and open source software for digital infrastructure.  (Both the software packages I mention in the podcast are free and open source tools.) The “free” I’m talking […]

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NCTE Brain Dump

I am sitting in the lobby of my hotel in San Antonio, waiting for the shuttle to take me back to the airport. For the first time since I arrived here, I am sitting at a full keyboard to write instead of frantically thumbing words into my iPhone keyboard. Here in the lobby, I have […]

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