The Week in Tweets for 2012-07-23

  • Quinn’s favorite is George Washington. @ Mount Rushmore National Memorial #
  • @shfarnsworth Next week perhaps. What can I do for you? in reply to shfarnsworth #
  • @shfarnsworth Cool. Let’s set something up for next week. Spotty Internet the next few days for me. in reply to shfarnsworth #
  • Eating way too much dessert at the Alpine Inn in Hill City, SD. Nothing wrong with that. #vacation #
  • In Cheyenne. Almost back in good ol’ Colorado. #
  • In brief: Teaching arts workshop nears (Fort Collins workshop on arts integration open to any teacher.) #
  • I don’t have the right words for friends and strangers in Aurora this morning. We are with y’all. #
  • Talk at the gym this morning is all about the shooter. My favorite? Ten minutes of gossip then a critique of the media for reporting story. #
  • Wondering if this works to deprofessionalize all us other teachers. #
  • @mguhlin Wondering how much and if it even elevates the others. in reply to mguhlin #
  • New piece at Working@Play about waiting for the student: “Small Victories or Waiting for the Student to Arrive.” #
  • Off to visit with my first teaching partner. Fun. #
  • Nice visit with old friends tonight. Hadn’t seen them in a year. Didn’t matter. Good times. #
  • @karlfisch I’m not finding another solution. Please let me know if you do. in reply to karlfisch #
  • From my reading: Everything Matters #
  • Just reviewed a presentation on inquiry and the DLC for next week’s Learning Forward Conference with @milobo and @kadding. Should be good. #
  • Required ticket to enter a special celebration this evening. I’m not sure why. But it’s not for me to ask. #
  • @jonbecker Um. Uh oh. in reply to jonbecker #
  • @ELTotten Tricky question. What are you willing to do the work for? What’s the market in the area? in reply to ELTotten #
  • @ELTotten What would they pay an outsider to do the same? in reply to ELTotten #
  • @ELTotten I think hourly makes sense for ongoing work. What does your org. usually pay for this sort of work? in reply to ELTotten #
  • @ELTotten Determine what you’re willing to work for. Ask for it. in reply to ELTotten #
  • Taking my daughters to the movies. To see _Brave_. Seems appropriate. #
  • ‘Lunch Hour NYC’ serves up history of midday meal #
  • Teagan wanted to help. #
  • Just lit my last grill of summer. Back to work tomorrow. #
  • A piece from my museum blog on how the student often decides when it’s time to learn: #
  • @trentmkays @audreywatters 5 is about right. in reply to trentmkays #
  • Watching an American Girl movie. It’s actually not terrible. Not sure how I feel about that. #

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