The Week in Tweets for 2012-06-25

Big decision today: Do we get two dozen regular cupcakes or three Mega Cupcakes? (I vote regular.) #vacation # That said, I very much like the idea of a Mega Cupcake. # There’s an ocean to play in. Deferring important cupcake decision until later. # @poh It’s right by us, yes. But beyond the town. […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-06-18

Smoke from the #HighParkFire has blanketed the city. Smells of campfires and lost things. # @willrich45 Happy blogversary. Keep on keeping on. Many happy returns. in reply to willrich45 # Making some seed purchases for the Center for Make/Hack/Play. Building a library and putting together some basic equipment. Fun. # @pickledtreats Collaborative environment for all. […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-06-11

Busy summer morning – setting up for the CSUWP Summer Institute and now now off to an i3 Leadership Meeting. # “Beautiful is what makes your heart happy.” – from _Something Beautiful_ by Wyeth (Overheard in a teaching demo at CSUWP.) # @mburtis I’ll be using the category ds106. Assuming I can get power for […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-06-04

If you’re always on, your work could be off – USA TODAY # New Cronkite biography ships tomorrow. I can’t wait. # Onions are carmelized. Buns are toasted. These are just about ready. Come on over. # “Playing” croquet. None of us know the rules. # @davidfisher65 I honestly have no idea. […]

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