The Week in Tweets for 2012-05-28

A writing/reflection and prechat question space for tonight’s #engchat with @hickstro, @skajder, and @carl_young. # Some days, the tension between the ethical stances of journalists and teacher researchers really bugs me. # @paulrwood You might start here: or here – (PDF) or here – in reply to paulrwood # Why is […]

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Centering on Essential Lenses

(Cross-posted from the Center for Make/Hack/Play, a new project we’ll be working on.  Find the Center for Make/Hack/Play on Twitter and Facebook.) Lenses are powerful tools.  With the right lens on your camera, you can see things very close up, or incredibly distant.  The right lenses can help you bring light to dark places, or shelter the […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-05-21

Wait. Monday’s over? # It’s wrong that #civilunion legislation was blocked in the #coleg last week. It’d be wrong if it were blocked again today. # New Research Tool in Google Docs. Sweet. # Mark Wilding is talking about Engaged Teaching – social, emotional, & academic learning – at #colearning in 1 hour. […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-05-14

i3 Leadership Meeting. # Rain makes the paperwork easier. Keep coming, rain. # At a Boettcher Scholar alumni focus group. # Nice to visit tonight with other Boettcher scholars. Odd and pleasant to discover shared experiences with scholars from thirty years ago. # One interesting facet of our conversation was on place-based learning vs. online […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-05-07

@rlgose As I understand, they've not yet been introduced. Last I knew, to be an amendment inserted at next action. Also watch SB106. in reply to rlgose # @rlgose My understanding is that lots of discussion over language has delayed introduction of language. in reply to rlgose # @rlgose I'd prefer they didn't bother – […]

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