The Week in Tweets for 2012-05-14

  • i3 Leadership Meeting. #
  • Rain makes the paperwork easier. Keep coming, rain. #
  • At a Boettcher Scholar alumni focus group. #
  • Nice to visit tonight with other Boettcher scholars. Odd and pleasant to discover shared experiences with scholars from thirty years ago. #
  • One interesting facet of our conversation was on place-based learning vs. online learning. Place is underrated. #
  • @karlfisch By plenty of folks, in general. And, no. Online is a bunch of places. But often, a non-situated place. in reply to karlfisch #
  • @luckybydesign Red Hawk Elementary? And now two more. in reply to luckybydesign #
  • @ijohnpederson Big day today? Go get 'em. in reply to ijohnpederson #
  • Finding fresh chalk drawings on your driveway is like winning the art lottery. #
  • @bgblogging It is a fascinating place. in reply to bgblogging #
  • @bgblogging Lurking so far. But beginning to notice a story lens from exposure to the site. Very good thing. in reply to bgblogging #
  • Looks like the device-level filtering amendment was added in to HB1240 on May 2nd. Second reading in the Colorado Senate today. Hmm. #
  • @corisaas I'll be teaching a pair of courses for PLP. and in reply to corisaas #
  • @DrThomasHo Then it will cease to be self-directed. Recognized, perhaps, but not rewarded. #edchat in reply to DrThomasHo #
  • @jcalvert4 @drthomasho If we value something, do we need to further reward it? (Create structures to nurture it maybe, but reward?) #edchat in reply to jcalvert4 #
  • @DrThomasHo @maryannreilly @jcalvert4 Suppose we focused on eliminating bad policy rather than mitigating it? in reply to DrThomasHo #
  • I need a big and pretty searchable front-facing Web database tool for sharing links to teacher research reports. Ideas? #
  • I thought @HuluBattle was sixteen episodes. Turns out, no. Standard thirteen. Last night was the end. Alas. C'mon, Season 2. Great show. #
  • Fiddling with avatarishness this morning. #
  • @kfasimpaur That's us. More soon. Thanks. in reply to kfasimpaur #
  • Student led conference night. Looking forward to it. (@ Bennett Elementary School) #
  • I think I'm getting my head wrapped around this next project. But lots of learning still to do. Which is, I guess, the point. #
  • Introducing our district MediaCAST Live TV and digital resource library to fifty of our staff this morning. Should be fun. #
  • @mrloucks83 I've not used it. What are you needing to accomplish? in reply to mrloucks83 #
  • Just went to create a space that I keep forgetting to make – that I made last week. Oh. #
  • I always find it interesting when proponents of #flippedclass say it's not about the videos. Then talk only about "the videos." #
  • Writing with the teacher research team leaders about our new inquiry challenge. #
  • Tired. And a book to finish for book club. Nuts. #
  • How long until "Executive Director" is one adjective short of a full title? #
  • "If you think about too many things, you'll never create anything." – @JaneEspenson via the Nerdist Writers' Podcast #
  • @tieandjeans @benblacker It's certainly useful. And very educational. in reply to tieandjeans #
  • Best thing about my new gym? Fresh coffee at the end of a workout. Nothing wrong with that. #
  • @dajbelshaw As early as I start, I suspect I'd burn my house down if I tried the coffee before. But I'll take a look. in reply to dajbelshaw #
  • Last night, our first order from @makershed arrived. Can't wait to play with some robots. #
  • Sitting down to make some Web stuff with the staff of the district Innovation Academy. Fun. #
  • Tastes like chicken. #
  • Innovation Academy meeting – looking at the D School Design Thinking process. #
  • Book club. Homemade cookies. Weekend. I can handle this. #
  • Soggy soccer Saturday spectacular! (@ Rolland Moore Park) #
  • Teagan's playing with her food. @ Fort Collins, CO #
  • Off to see _Wicked_. #
  • "Some things I cannot change/ But 'til I try, I'll never know." – Elphaba, _Wicked_ #
  • Dinner. (@ Bud's Backyard Grill) [pic]: #
  • I just grilled pineapple. That was pretty good. #
  • @russgoerend @braddo Yep. Cinnamon, brown sugar and line juice. Delicious. in reply to russgoerend #

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