In Search of Agency

It sure seems like a lot of things just happen to people. You know, beyond our control and all. We’re well-intentioned, and rocking along, and all of a sudden, but on a pretty regular basis, something just happens. And we are helpless in the face of all this happening stuff. Right? Of course not, but […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-03-26

@sjunkins You have a pretty cynical view of lots of stuff. I can't tell if you're trying to be provocative or something else. Everything ok? in reply to sjunkins # @thecleversheep Only when you define them too narrowly. in reply to thecleversheep # @shareski Better question – What are the essential texts for teaching whatever […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-03-19

Spring Breaking with my family for part of this week. First family activity is an early morning trip to the gym. No coffee. # Wondering if I should rethink this "family time" thing and head into work. # Grilling bratwurst. 70 degrees. Temporary Spring in Colorado. I love it here. # Biggest decision left for […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-03-12

@alexanderdiner A fine reminder. Thank you for it. # I just unlocked the "Explorer" badge on @foursquare! # i3 Leadership meeting this morning. So thankful for our solid guest wireless network. # @jonbecker Did I throw folks under the bus? Didn't mean to. in reply to jonbecker # @jonbecker Fair enough. in reply to […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2012-03-05

Thinking about writing with pictures as I fiddle more with Pinterest and Instagram. What modes of composition are valued in these spaces? # @crafty184 "Digital storytelling" is a broad brush for a wide range of practices. Often too narrowly applied. in reply to crafty184 # Related: How do Web tools that deemphasize text shape the […]

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