Wait, I Wrote a Thesis?

Earlier today, I received final approval of the final draft of my thesis, “Wait, Am I Blogging?”: An Examination of School-Sponsored Online Writing Spaces, which I defended back in October.

Successfully ((With distinction, according to my committee. I was honored. Still am.)).

So. I’ll have a Master of Arts after graduation in December. I started graduate school in the Fall of 2001. Just finished. It was a good trip, with plenty of side trips and time off the trail.

This process has reminded me that, as with most of the writing I do, when the text is “finished,” meaning it’s time to hand it in or pass it along or hit “submit,” the value in the work is the process more often than the words that process leaves behind.

That said, several folks along the way said they might like to see the finished project. So here you go. Thanks, Internet Friends, for all your help and support.


10 thoughts on “Wait, I Wrote a Thesis?

  1. Bud
    I am looking forward to reading your thesis. You know, most thesis end up on the shelves of the writers, examined by a small group of people. Here, your work has the potential to get read by many, and maybe, influence a few folks who in need of a little influencing. When we talk about writing for purpose and audience with technology, and action, that’s what the digital realm brings to the table.

  2. I just read it, Bud. Great work — you were critical when you needed to be and in a sense, you validated some of my own thinking. I hope you don’t mind that I was tweeting some of your quotes as I was reading it, hoping to share out your ideas to others.
    When is the book version coming out? (hehehe)

    1. Bud Hunt says:

      Thanks, Kevin. Of course I don’t mind and am honored you’d find the work worth your time.

  3. From one recent grad to another, congratulations! Look forward to reading the thesis.

    1. Bud Hunt says:

      Thank you and congratulations right back.

  4. Great job finishing! I’ve been working on a thesis since 2005. I’m having a terrible time finding the motivation to finish writing it. My newest form of procrastination is writing blogs – which is productive for my professional life but doesn’t earn me any degrees.

    I’m thinking of writing a post on how educators make time to earn advanced degrees while working full time and taking on additional leadership roles.

    Anyway, congrats!

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