Wait, I Wrote a Thesis?

Earlier today, I received final approval of the final draft of my thesis, “Wait, Am I Blogging?”: An Examination of School-Sponsored Online Writing Spaces, which I defended back in October. Successfully ((With distinction, according to my committee. I was honored. Still am.)). So. I’ll have a Master of Arts after graduation in December. I started […]

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Thinking ’bout Linking

It was about a year ago that I wrote a piece for English Journal on teaching “blogging” vs. “writing with blogs” that was pretty much a re-hash of some blog posts that I thought were saying something. The trouble is, I wasn’t sure what they were saying. I’ve been fumbling at this one for a […]

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    Spoke to my graduate school advisor about my thesis today.  I completed my coursework a year ago and am a thesis away from getting my Master’s degree.  It’s not been going too terribly well.    The problem, in addition to moving twice and having a baby, is that I get pulled away by […]

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