The Week in Tweets for 2011-12-26

Snow. # Mileage reports. Fun. # New post up over at the museum: I Can't Draw (Well). But I Believe in Drawing. # @briancsmith On paper, since August. The blog just launched a week or two ago. So not long at all. in reply to briancsmith # @russgoerend Write it. Then we'll figure out […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-12-19

Elementary school staff meetings are warmer than secondary staff meetings. Hmm. # Staff meetings are better with baked goods. Yum. Thanks, @milobo and @kadding! # @David63Baker _Einstein_ by Isaacson. Great book. in reply to David63Baker # OH: “I have butter on my laptop.” – @milobo # So you’re going to fiddle with Ubermix. You’d […]

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Getting Unstuck

I had a productive phone conversation yesterday with a colleague in the district.  She’s on one of our DLC teams and is a fine and thoughtful preschool teacher, the kind of teacher I want for my children, and she wanted to talk through some of her ideas for the teacher research project that she’s working […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-12-12

At a district i3 leadership meeting. # Today's office. # @mazinbenny Indeed. in reply to mazinbenny # My collaborator and I have written a solid, 1300 word proposal. But we only get to use 1000 of them. #killingourbabies # Proposal submitted. Car fixed. Whew. # Just kidding. Brand new error message on the dashboard. […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-12-05

@nlowell Sounds like a great idea. in reply to nlowell # @courosa @crandsberry Well. That’s most kind. Thanks. in reply to courosa # Starting my week at the Department of Learning Services meeting. Data and budgets. # Wish I were geek enough to attend this Learning Registry Plugfest. Perhaps you are. # Spent my […]

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Brushing Back Cobwebs

I was reminded tonight of . ((Which is really Seth Godin’s post about writing poorly in public, I guess.))  I’ve been stuck lately, and not in a good way.  The words haven’t been coming as I’d like for them to. Which is a bit of a fib.  I’ve also not been making the time for […]

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