- Just looked at my NCTE/NWP schedule. Going to be a busy event. Fun, though. And thoughtful. #
- @TeachaKidd Google Presentations. in reply to TeachaKidd #
- @TeachaKidd You said you wanted free. I think that’s as close as you can get if you want to host and display. in reply to TeachaKidd #
- @kfasimpaur For prompts or suggestions or what? in reply to kfasimpaur #
- Segment on _Talk of the Nation_ today about “polyreading.” #
- Polyreading is reading more than one book at a time. I’ve been doing that all of my life. Didn’t realize it was a “thing.” #
- I believe I’m working my way through seven books right now. Fiction and nonfiction. eBook and paper. It’s cool. #
- The deeper the reading, the fluffier the companion reads. Mysteries are my fluff, usually. Sci-fi sometimes. #
- This is a pretty interesting conversation. Catch it if you can. #
- Interviewee mentions that she delays books that she loves, too. I like her. #
- Deep dark reading secret that shouldn’t be a secret: Sometimes, I don’t finish books. It’s okay. That’s an appropriate thing to do. #
- @tbest Yeah. I’ve a thing I didn’t know I had. Neat. in reply to tbest #
- Interviewee: “It’s a source of great pleasure and delight that there’s always something else.” (To read, that is.) #
- Just retallied. I think I’m reading more like eleven books right now. #
- @brandtschneider Nah. More like the guy who has 11 books and keeps losing track of some of them for a while. in reply to brandtschneider #
- @PaulWHankins Well, okay. in reply to PaulWHankins #
- @beverson Stay safe. in reply to beverson #
- RT @willrich45: “Some of the most hallowed advice on study habits is flat wrong.” http://nyti.ms/9J685R Whoa. #
- In a live chat with a Comcast service rep. So far, three pages of “nice statements.” No actual help. #
- To “protect my confidentiality,” I’m required to give them my home address multiple times. #
- Just offered a sales pitch. Not yet a solution. #
- “Can you surf,” in a chat window, in a Web browser, isn’t a terribly helpful question, is it? #
- The best answer so far: “have you tried turning it off and then back on again.” Not kidding. #
- Good luck to my Boulderite friends. Stay safe. #
- @juliafallon Got a copy of Writing Assistant in there? in reply to juliafallon #
- @LauraNicosia Does the “bridges” metaphor imply that YA texts are of secondary importance or relevance to canonical texts? #engchat in reply to LauraNicosia #
- @LauraNicosia #engchat So the YA texts are stepping stones? (Which still implies that they aren’t worth their (cont) http://tl.gd/3gtg1q in reply to LauraNicosia #
- @ckervina So they’re “harder” and therefore “better”? #engchat in reply to ckervina #
- @engltchrleo But that statement implies that the canonical texts are original. Not necessarily true. #engchat in reply to engltchrleo #
- @ckervina Everyone’s a critic. in reply to ckervina #
- Jackpot. http://twitpic.com/2lyo6n #
- @sapereaude I will always be a language arts teacher. in reply to sapereaude #
- @LauraNicosia Then why the need for “bridge to canon?” Seeks that implies the stigma about YA is true. (It isn’t.) #engchat in reply to LauraNicosia #
- @KimMcCollum Most books aren’t worth the “whole class read.”Overused practice. Wastes readers’ time. #engchat in reply to KimMcCollum #
- @PaulWHankins I understand connections. But the “bridge” prompt did indeed suggest a hierarchy of value, at least as I saw it displayed. in reply to PaulWHankins #
- @KimMcCollum Sometimes is fine. Sometimes I agree with. But the syllabi I see often are same text all the time. (cont) http://tl.gd/3gtkph in reply to KimMcCollum #
- @KimMcCollum Yeah. But it is overdone. Those same conversations can happen in small groups. More options is good. in reply to KimMcCollum #
- @KimMcCollum Never said toss it out. Just do it less. in reply to KimMcCollum #
- @KimMcCollum Sigh. The overuse of the practice is a waste. Twitter is hard. Sorry. in reply to KimMcCollum #
- @KimMcCollum I’m read that way. Which is interesting. There are few absolutes. in reply to KimMcCollum #
- @PaulWHankins Back at ya. in reply to PaulWHankins #
- Grilled chicken. Hunt family barbecue sauce. Vinegar-based, thank you very much. #
- .@KimMcCollum Then again, I may sound so absolute on Twitter because I’m so frequently right. #itistrueandevenpossiblebutnotlikely in reply to KimMcCollum #
- @donalynbooks Who am I to argue with The Book Whisperer? in reply to donalynbooks #
- @RdngTeach Yep. Piedmont, at least. in reply to RdngTeach #
- @schwier We are all at risk for something or other. Fire ’em up. in reply to schwier #
- @schwier Word. I’d suggest Shel Silverstein’s “Listen to the Mustn’ts.” And remind them not to. in reply to schwier #
- @ehelfant No. But I want to. Hear it’s great. in reply to ehelfant #
- @englishcomp Thanks to you and he for his service. in reply to englishcomp #
- “all a teacher can do – is work with students to create a classroom culture, a climate, a curriculum that…” http://instapaper.com/zj48m071I #
- “when autonomy and community are combined, they define a concept more often invoked than practiced in our…” http://instapaper.com/zj48m071I #
- “It takes insight and guts to catch oneself at what amounts to an exercise in pseudodemocracy.” http://instapaper.com/zj48m071I #
- Why is “teachers running schools” a “new development?” Historically, that’s how it worked. #
- Smells of fire here. Line of grey obscures the mountains. Gentle drizzle of ash in the air. #boulderfire #
- @baldy7 @milobo is smart and thoughtful. in reply to baldy7 #
- @milobo @baldy7 See what I mean? A fine question. in reply to milobo #
- At Skyline HS for a big meeting regarding some of our i3 work. Should be interesting. #
- DLC model being adapted here for use in language learning – neat. #
- @yoopertechgeek Neat-o. Tell him I said hi. in reply to yoopertechgeek #
- @mporteres Yep. in reply to mporteres #
- A noble goal. http://twitpic.com/2m89aa #
- @courosa Nope. It doesn’t. in reply to courosa #
- Got Ani to soccer practice. On time. And we had a family dinner. #smallvictories #
- Best. Soccer. Coach. Ever. #bonus #
- @courosa That was a thoughtful question. Did it encourage any thoughtful conversation? in reply to courosa #
- @courosa Sounds about right. Agonies things beckoned, perhaps. Too bad. in reply to courosa #
- @courosa Two and three are my working hunches. Unfortunately. in reply to courosa #
- @bonstewart @courosa I have three children and two cats. Opportunities abound for me to remember that I’m just an error-prone dude. You? in reply to bonstewart #
- @bonstewart @courosa I’m with you – it’s not ALL bad. There is a fine line between pushing an agenda and seeking attention. I’ve an agenda. in reply to bonstewart #
- @courosa @juliafallon @dlaufenberg Multiplicity isn’t authentic? in reply to courosa #
- @bonstewart @courosa But when we blow them up by calling EVERY single thing they do “amazing,” we (cont) http://tl.gd/3hg6kc in reply to bonstewart #
- @RdngTeach @courosa If there were a club, you’d be in. in reply to RdngTeach #
- @courosa Yeah. Think I was responding to that. in reply to courosa #
- I bought a new air conditioner. They sent me a tin of cookies. They must also sell treadmills. #goodcookies #
- @courosa @bonstewart There you go. in reply to courosa #
- @bonstewart @courosa It seems to me that attempting to be critically friendly is often met with, erm, unpleasantness. in reply to bonstewart #
- @kylepace Based on the payment I made earlier today, it SHOULD be the cookie of the month club. For five years. in reply to kylepace #
- @courosa @dlaufenberg It’s a dance. One worth doing. in reply to courosa #
- @kylepace I know. But I’ve got to KEEP saying it. It helps. in reply to kylepace #
- Drove the kids home. In the minivan. Dressed a skinned knee. There was crying. Read three stories. #livingthedream #
- @kylepace Oh. Dear. in reply to kylepace #
- So, um, @projectpln is a newsletter that assumes a common community experience and mistakenly perpetuates that? Yikes. #badassumption #
- “The Great Food Truck Race” is the name of an actual television show. I am not making that up. #
- Serious email party this evening. Almost see daylight. #
- Early start today. Reconvening our digital administrators collaborative today. Looking forward to it. #
- Dude in front of me on the road this morning? Brushing his teeth. #
- Visiting with @hpitler and talking about how administrators might do more thoughtful walkthroughs. #
- @smartinez I’m trying to figure out how to do both. Easily. Together. in reply to smartinez #
- Now that’s a rainbow. http://twitpic.com/2mk8r1 #
- @bengrey What in the world is that foolishness? in reply to bengrey #
- @courosa Good luck. Seriously. in reply to courosa #
- @bengrey It’s a sales pitch hiding behind the state’s name. in reply to bengrey #
- @poh That was an icky interview. in reply to poh #
- @bengrey @jorech @ryanbretag @teach42 @drezac Good. Y’all do good, okay? in reply to bengrey #
- For the second time in a month, I’ve been referred to as “honey” in an email. From a teacher. #huh #
- @msstewart I considered moving just on general principle. in reply to msstewart #
- @karlfisch Oh. Right. Forgot about that. Three times, then. in reply to karlfisch #
- RT @expertlabs: Thought-provoking post from @drisis about networks: What do you call a “Facebook for (cont) http://tl.gd/5uptla #
- @msstewart @ncte @hickstro Nope. That’s bogus. Copy for the Gallery? in reply to msstewart #
- Attempted email sprint last night. Concerned by some of the writing I saw. Sentences. Spelling. Specificity. Still important. #
- @Ihnatko The previous gen Nano was such a great media capture device at a great price point for schools. New one’s a big step back. in reply to Ihnatko #
- @davecormier So long as it’s demanded of kids, it better be modeled by teachers. in reply to davecormier #
- @davecormier As far as developing writers go, spelling’s lower on my list of priorities. in reply to davecormier #
- @davecormier I left the words “from teachers” out of that tweet. Didn’t want to sound rude or accusatory. Perhaps that was unwise. in reply to davecormier #
- @j_allen Would depend on how you’re using the iPads, or any other device. in reply to j_allen #
- @j_allen Again, I might, depending on how the iPod Touches were being used. What tasks do they help students perform? in reply to j_allen #
- Headed to Flagstaff Academy to talk through their Ed Tech Day with @zmidler. Should be a good conversation. #
- @j_allen And the reason for counting. in reply to j_allen #
- @j_allen Why do we include staff machines that are never used by kids in that ratio? in reply to j_allen #
- @j_allen Right. That’s not the case in my district. We have staff only thin clients. in reply to j_allen #
- @edpresssec Any luck with those questions from a couple weeks ago? #
- Reminded that there’s value both in really understanding a system as well as ignorance of that system if you want to fiddle with it. #
- @michellek107 Actually, yes. We’ve spoken a couple of times as well. in reply to michellek107 #
- @smartinez @teachakidd Nuances are often lost in seas of absolutes. That’s frustrating. Useful post. Thanks, Lee. in reply to smartinez #
- Was reminded today that critique is often confused with contempt. They’re not the same, but it’s important to tread carefully. #notetoself #
- Ms. the Teacher’s current email signature. There is nothing new under the sun. I like it. http://twitpic.com/2ms86v #
- Second cohort of the DLC kicks off tonight. Almost sixty team leaders. It’s a bit crowded in here. #
- Good meeting. And a beautiful pre-sunset drive. Fall is coming. I’m okay with that. #
- I forgot to say a good new year to those of you celebrating today. So – happy new year! #
- @JenAnsbach We’ve all got one. And get to write another one. Every day. in reply to JenAnsbach #
- To be greeted with a kiss from a three year old (who waited up for you, darn the rules) is not a bad thing. Not at all. #
- @bcrosby Writing and pictures are data, too. in reply to bcrosby #
- Reminding teachers that it’s okay to be thoughtful and active learners is good work. Hard work. Important work. #
- For that matter, being a learner is good work, too. #
- @zmidler Of course. Looking forward to helping out. in reply to zmidler #
- @mwacker Because it’s hard. And potentially dangerous. Speaking of, I owe you an email. in reply to mwacker #
- The question that we asked our DLC team leaders to write about to end our time together is a good one. I’ll ask it of you in my next tweet. #
- How are you going to support a culture of learning on your team? #
- @geraldaungst Neat. What book? in reply to geraldaungst #
- @davecormier It really is. No emoticon needed. in reply to davecormier #
- @geraldaungst Nice. I was taking a peek at that book last night. Worth a read? in reply to geraldaungst #
- @MrR0g3rs I don’t think it can hurt. In the case of the work we are doing right now, folks are there by choice. So know it alls are few. in reply to MrR0g3rs #
- @MrR0g3rs But if you can frame your teamwork as a learning process, I think it can help with the “know it alls,” you’re talking about. in reply to MrR0g3rs #
- @MrR0g3rs Some. This is a development year – more will emerge this year. http://j.mp/d7ADtc Look for references to the DLC. in reply to MrR0g3rs #
- @lblanken What kind of a plan are you looking for? in reply to lblanken #
- Confirming my hunch. These seem to be junk. Anyone having success with a Wiimote whiteboard? If so, how are you (cont) http://tl.gd/5vlbrh #
- @mwacker How’d you suspend it? We don’t support these, but I want to help this teacher out. How consistent was it? in reply to mwacker #
- @mwacker Yeah. Sounds like lots of effort for limited function. Lots of maintenance by you. in reply to mwacker #
- @mwacker Also agreed. But I’m really not a fan of poorly functioning hacks. in reply to mwacker #
- @lblanken – I’d start by drafting your vision. Broad strokes. Then get some buy in. Then draft a timeline and start thinking budgets. in reply to lblanken #
- RT @msstewart: Ok, here’s what I’m thinking for project feedback http://bit.ly/92evvE #
- You ever lose your way a little bit? It’s happened to me. But I’m working it out. More later. #
- RT @chippewariverwp: Asst. Prof. Troy Hicks receives recognition by Tech&Learning;as one of 100@30 future (cont) http://tl.gd/5vmn7k #
- What’s the difference between an online school principal vs an online school director? (A principal’s license? Something else? #
- About to start the writing I intended to do first thing this morning. What a Friday. #
- But first, a poem. “Redaction” by Carmen Gimenez Smith. http://www.poemflow.com/# #
- RT @: Register now for #nwp Annual Meeting sessions and events: http://bit.ly/aNZjNP #
- @bengrey I’ve heard a soft limit of fifty. Seen over a hundred. Broke one at close to two hundred. in reply to bengrey #
- @sbaker86 @bengrey That number’s for the old editor. It’s much bigger now. in reply to sbaker86 #
- We’re going to try to talk more about the work of the DLC this year. Narrative summaries are more fun than minutes. http://bit.ly/9HHHBQ #
- http://connect.stvrain.k12.co.us/dlc I’m trying to break this room. Want to help? #
- @techsavvyed Not at all? Seeing an error? in reply to techsavvyed #
- Thanks for the help, tweeps. Got some useful results. And to visit with @willrich45, whom I never see. #
- @tcooper185 Thanks for dropping by. We will share lots. in reply to tcooper185 #
- Bad link for that DLC update earlier. Here’s one that works. http://j.mp/9R3z86 #
- Sharing St. Vrain Blogs with our district preschool staff. http://blogs.stvrain.k12.co.us #
- @j_allen Please share that? in reply to j_allen #
- @shareski That’s weird. And causes me to suspect other links in your archive were you to choose to do so. in reply to shareski #
- @j_allen I can wait. Thanks. in reply to j_allen #
- @chrislehmann Got a link to the comments in question? I’m writing a similar post. in reply to chrislehmann #
- RT @bhwilkoff: RT @ktenkely: Sweet, you can now collaborate live on a Prezi! http://bit.ly/a90sAQ #
- Kids still have rights. A reminder. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/24959836/detail.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter #
- As of the end of the month, the DLC will involve 61 teams at about half of our schools. Right around 300 teachers. Wow. Not bad. #
- Turns out that Recorder now shuts off when you lock your iPhone screen. So that really thoughtful podcast I just recorded is all gone. Man. #
- Righteous baby. Not her finest picture. http://twitpic.com/2n62je #
- @cmasson50 Congratulations! in reply to cmasson50 #
- @Flare48 What a kind thing to say. Thanks. in reply to Flare48 #
- As gently as I can say it, can I please ask folks to not say “our PLN?” That’s not a terribly accurate, or logical, use of words. Please? #
- Ice. Cream. Sandwich. #yum #
- @courosa @lizbdavis Have a safe trip, y’all. Share lots. in reply to courosa #
- @jonbecker I know. I’m reminded of it frequently. in reply to jonbecker #
- @msstewart Ahem. in reply to msstewart #
- @NovelDame Huh? in reply to NovelDame #
- How are you working to live in the space between the curmudgeons and the yeah yeahs? http://bit.ly/bB52L0 #
- @paulrwood I’m sorry to hear that, Paul. in reply to paulrwood #
- @injenuity What don’t you get? in reply to injenuity #
- @injenuity No. But perhaps that’s because I don’t get it either. in reply to injenuity #
- @chrislehmann I had my first college classroom. And was watching from across the country. Suddenly, I was teaching way more than writing. in reply to chrislehmann #
- Reminded of @courosa‘s ego-crack question as I read @plugusin‘s comment. Wondering about the connection. http://bit.ly/bB52L0 #
- @fceblog Excellent. Looking forward to your thoughts as always. in reply to fceblog #
- @courosa Quite right. in reply to courosa #
- @courosa It’s a long flight. I’m sure you’ll figure it out on the way. in reply to courosa #
- Ani’s having a drawing marathon this morning. “I’m very artful,” she says. I like it. #
- .@fceblog offers a cultural element to conversation. And she might get me better than I do. http://j.mp/c3jLQZ #
- @garystager Yes. And no clue. Maybe the focus on the “mosque at Ground Zero?” in reply to garystager #
- Oh. And @karlfisch may get me, too. But shouldn’t we have high expectations for the use of language by teachers? http://j.mp/aBjRPr #
- Does your school or district use WordPress as their primary website? Shoot me a link if so. #
- @melaniemcbride I love that theme. Even though I can’t pronounce it. in reply to melaniemcbride #
- @miketsimpson How much access to it do you want? Or are you looking for a backup solution? in reply to miketsimpson #
- Trying to write some blog comments but the WordPress app isn’t cooperating. Invisible text isn’t very helpful. #
- @scmorgan Say more. I’m not yet following. Which is ironic. in reply to scmorgan #
- @scmorgan Oh. I’m so sorry. That was intended as a link to Karl’s comment – he addressed language specifically. Forgive the error. in reply to scmorgan #
- When Ms. the Teacher isn’t with me, I like to get my coffee from a different kind of coffee shop. http://twitpic.com/2nfx3g #
- @scmorgan Understandably. Sorry about that. in reply to scmorgan #
- I won’t lie. We listened to “Eye of the Tiger” on the way to soccer today. On a loop. Four times. Ani’s pumped. #
- @teach42 I’ve got some, too. in reply to teach42 #
- @willrich45 Yeah. The metadata is atrocious. I’ve found whole books mistitled, miscategorized, or both. Too bad. in reply to willrich45 #
- @miketsimpson I’ve got my stuff in Carbonite and on a local home network drive. Bit of a pain to sync, but getting easier and easier. in reply to miketsimpson #
- @miketsimpson The network drive or Carbonite? in reply to miketsimpson #
- @miketsimpson I put everything there. Everything. Apps. Files. Everything. in reply to miketsimpson #
- This is why we have flashes on cameras. Babysitter put Teagan to bed. Might’ve missed something. http://twitpic.com/2nlaae #
- @dkuropatwa Safe travels. in reply to dkuropatwa #
- @teach42 Bravo. in reply to teach42 #
- @JackieB Excellent. Thanks for keeping it going. I’ve got a loan to give myself. in reply to JackieB #
- Brought Ani to the game. Going to try to last more than five innings today. http://twitpic.com/2nufte #
- She talked me into some nachos. And a new hat. #goRockies http://twitpic.com/2nv11d #
- Let’s begin. http://twitpic.com/2nwutb #
- @zbpipe Sure. in reply to zbpipe #
- Apparently, I’m the only person with Internet access who isn’t in some way engaged in the video music awards. On (cont) http://tl.gd/60se0r #
- Making lunches and exploring a series of New Testament lectures by Dale Martin from iTunesU. Again on both. #
- @mrsenorhill I like the idea – but isn’t that a different scaffold of your own making? Still external? Still teacher-determined? in reply to mrsenorhill #
- @mrsenorhill How are “levels” different than grades? in reply to mrsenorhill #
- @miketsimpson Not a problem. 108GB today. Expect that to double this year. in reply to miketsimpson #
- @mrsenorhill Cool. Still not there yet. How will your levels translate to report cards? in reply to mrsenorhill #
- @mrsenorhill I guess I’d still say that, whatever you call them, you can ask students to think carefully about what’s worth reaching for. in reply to mrsenorhill #
- @davidwees You’ve tweeted a couple of pretty inaccurate headlines. Big error in NJ and the folks in Iowa didn’t (cont) http://tl.gd/60uqf4 in reply to davidwees #
- @davidwees No, but the headline did. in reply to davidwees #
- @davidwees I was actually pleased to see that the Lt. Gov. knew the law. Refreshing. in reply to davidwees #
- “living in a free country means that sometimes you are inconvenienced by others’ assertions of their…” http://instapaper.com/z1timw81x #
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I liked what Mr. Barkely had to say too. Lately I have heard a lot of teachers and administrators wanting ‘an online forum, website, or blog like thing’ so they can communicate or ‘collaborate’. The problem is, I suspect (or I just flat out asked) many of them don’t have a good understanding of what they want to communicate or what it really means to collaborate. These are much tougher/important issues to address. The new tools make it easier to share, but can expose the real reasons why people don’t as well.