- @djakes What does that mean/look like? in reply to djakes #
- @djakes Huh. Sounds crazy. Perhaps even dignified. in reply to djakes #
- @MyraG Just submitted to Help Desk and our server admin. in reply to MyraG #
- @MyraG Not yet. Who knows when these things happen? in reply to MyraG #
- @stevejmoore Good luck. in reply to stevejmoore #
- Dear educational publishers: I'd very much like to add your book(s) to my library. But you've got to publish them as ebooks. Thanks. – Bud #
- This looks interesting. But not in a way I can use it. http://bit.ly/cHxZCU #
- @kfasimpaur If I published it, help yourself to it. I'd love to see your collected list of quotes. in reply to kfasimpaur #
- Fresh artwork on the district blog. I dig the pig. http://blogs.stvrain.k12.co.us/blog/2010/02/08/fall-river-elementary-artists/ #
- @kwbenson I should try to write about that soon. Nothing in particular – it's the line of thinking that worries me. in reply to kwbenson #
- @oldaily I like sentences. in reply to oldaily #
- http://twitpic.com/124bc8 – Today's theme. #
- @technolibrary Not yet. in reply to technolibrary #
- Today's poem: "St. Francis & the Sow" by Galway Kinnell" http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=171395 #
- "though sometimes it is necessary
to reteach a thing its loveliness," – http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=171395 # - Google's digital stories are commercials. And stories. Not bad ones. http://www.youtube.com/searchstories #
- @njtechteacher Yeah. I was watching some 1st grade stories on Saturday, and I was struck by how they used sound in a similar way. Powerful. in reply to njtechteacher #
- .@njtechteacher It's a writing choice. Words. Sounds. Images. We can use all of them to make meaning. #
- Wrote one of those emails earlier. You know the ones. The longish ones that'll make you regret you sent them. #
- @msmillerleban Thanks. The credit goes to our Help Desk, @svvsdhd. They're good about sharing good stuff. in reply to msmillerleban #
- Barnum's Animals. Still king. #sometimesitisgoodtofeelfiveyearsold #
- @juliafallon Yes. It will. Different. Always different. But all right. in reply to juliafallon #
- "Uh oh," said Teagan, "The flowers melted!" http://twitpic.com/125daf #
- @dlaufenberg She's a poet. I'm impressed. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- @TheJLV I've retweeted myself. I'll admit it. Won't do it often. But I've done it. I'll miss you. in reply to TheJLV #
- Shoveling the "less than one inch" of snow that we got today. #weatherpeoplehavetroublewithrulers #
- @jutecht I'm having that meeting tomorrow. We should compare notes soon. in reply to jutecht #
- @jutecht Same boat. Outlook or Apps. Biggest con seems to be the change and the migration of contacts and existing stuff. in reply to jutecht #
- @jutecht Why POP? Keep using Outlook but toss the server? Hmm. in reply to jutecht #
- @jutecht Makes sense. Just hadn't considered POP. Hmm. in reply to jutecht #
- @jutecht Right. Calendar is then a question. Outlook 2007? in reply to jutecht #
- Sometimes, I just don't even know where to begin. #
- @mahlness @jutecht That was my
gut. But the idea's growing on me a little. in reply to mahlness # - Cool. Congrats to @val6dan and Thompson School District on the launch of their district blogging portal. http://bit.ly/bV5n4c #
- Cool. _This American Life_ has an iPhone app. That has archive access. Well worth a few dollars. #
- Well, no baby yet, so I'm off to work. #
- @dmagy I cannot. in reply to dmagy #
- @russgoerend I've got the first season on my Roku – but not yet. You? in reply to russgoerend #
- @tengrrl Have you gotten the clock to stop blinking? in reply to tengrrl #
- @nashworld Tell them I say howdy. And watch your assumptions. in reply to nashworld #
- @dkuropatwa Do we really face a "different kind of student" today? in reply to dkuropatwa #
- @dkuropatwa Got a citation on those "physical and chemical changes"? in reply to dkuropatwa #
- Poetry & New Media. http://www.poetryfoundation.org/foundation/newmediaproject.html #
- @wbass3 @dkuropatwa Literacy. Fluency. At what point are we spliting semantic hairs? in reply to wbass3 #
- I just buzzed. Whoopteedoo. http://twitpic.com/129igf #
- @ijesspederson not yet. Perhaps today. But nothing yet. in reply to ijesspederson #
- Buzz isn't working for me. Yet. #
- @karlfisch @wbass3 @dkuropatwa And that is? in reply to karlfisch #
- Heading home. No baby yet. But just in case. #
- @smartinez @dkuropatwa @karlfisch Thats the thing. Breaking complicated stuff into too simple bits loses the (cont) http://tl.gd/816f1 in reply to smartinez #
- No baby yet, but when she comes, this'll be her room. http://twitpic.com/129um7 http://twitpic.com/129umk http://twitpic.com/129um2 #
- @fallapart Due tomorrow. We will see if we make it. in reply to fallapart #
- @garystager Naw. Hired the hard parts out. I was making sure the baby didn't come early. in reply to garystager #
- @karlfisch @dkuropatwa Sounds fun. Can it wait two or three weeks? in reply to karlfisch #
- @hpitler Thanks much! in reply to hpitler #
- @KimMcGill Thanks. My wife's final touch. in reply to KimMcGill #
- @woscholar @dkuropatwa Do you have to have a data contract, or can you go month to month? in reply to woscholar #
- @bhwilkoff Try the mobile app. Running for me. in reply to bhwilkoff #
- My #colearning conversation page is shaping up. Got a little more work to do before the event; take a peek if you'd like. http://j.mp/blcJ12 #
- @chambo_online Ew. in reply to chambo_online #
- @milobo Oh. Nice. in reply to milobo #
- @bhwilkoff https://m.google.com/app/buzz in reply to bhwilkoff #
- @bhwilkoff Huh. That's odd. I don't know. in reply to bhwilkoff #
- I'm thinking my blog header is obsolete sometime in the next several days. Suggestions? #
- @jennamcjenna Hey. A little zeitgeist never hurt anyone. But only a little. in reply to jennamcjenna #
- No baby yet. So I'll be headed to one more Kindergarten Parent Night this evening. #
- Anybody got Mahara running on a shared hosting account? Trying to get it running for some tests. #
- With the launch of Buzz, pages like this just got more interesting. http://j.mp/aGYSAI Oh. And Google just made a Facebook. #
- @gbertoia No utf-8 database issues in your process? in reply to gbertoia #
- @jutecht Not sure I want it either. But it's so shiny. in reply to jutecht #
- @learningdonna In Spanish, please. in reply to learningdonna #
- @elephantsgerald The profile? If you've a Gopgle Account, fiddle with yours at http://google.com/profiles in reply to elephantsgerald #
- @gbertoia How? Via phpAdmin? Or somewhere else? in reply to gbertoia #
- @gbertoia Cool. Thanks much. That's it, I think. in reply to gbertoia #
- @jutecht Nah. I gave up. Mobile interface required no waiting. in reply to jutecht #
- Another parent night. Hopeful. #
- I've got to look deeper at AR. My head says it's wrong. But I know smart people who disagree. #
- @jonbecker That's what bothers me. Am I missing something? in reply to jonbecker #
- Huh. Kindergarten AR. Huh. Asked the question. Ani'd have to participate. Huh. #
- @BeckyFisher73 I don't want to use it at all. Or have my kids exposed. in reply to BeckyFisher73 #
- @bethstill The resources linked here should get you what you need. Start with the Etherpad. http://j.mp/c3zpFA in reply to bethstill #
- I don't want to opt my child out of bits and pieces. I want a program that is thoughtful and philosophically consistent. #
- @MrChase Yeah. Kind of old
fashioned, I know. But I'm fond of it. in reply to MrChase # - I want my kids to like books because they liked the book. Not because they did well on a comprehension test. #
- @crafty184 Yeah. Publics are on my profile. Saw that. So, too, are any comments to that post. in reply to crafty184 #
- .@djainslie No. The purpose of reading, by gum, is to satisfy curiosity, our drive to know. Beating that drive out of anyone is criminal. in reply to djainslie #
- @gailhd I did. I left. in reply to gailhd #
- @MrChase My kid will wear the scarlet R. in reply to MrChase #
- The joy of choice: I choose somethig else. #
- Ice cream. #
- @MrChase I hope not. in reply to MrChase #
- @bethstill No problem. What are you up to? in reply to bethstill #
- @BeckyFisher73 Was nice to be included. in reply to BeckyFisher73 #
- @milobo Ew. in reply to milobo #
- @mecarpenteraz Yeah. I used to do the same. in reply to mecarpenteraz #
- No baby yet, so I'm settling in with a couple of books that I'm reading. No quizzes. No prizes. Just some really good books. #
- Thanks for all of your AR stories, tweeps. Lots of you feel very strongly about this. Kind of you to share with me. #
- @jennamcjenna Congratulations on your blogday. Many happy returns. in reply to jennamcjenna #
- @intrepidteacher It's true. in reply to intrepidteacher #
- @bethstill She's hanging in there, thanks. Hope the presentation goes well. Would love any feedback you get on those classroom categories. in reply to bethstill #
- @mwacker Playing with many of those. #hopingyouwillsharewhatyoulearn in reply to mwacker #
- @largeswope Yeah. You're on my list of investigations when I can get to it. Thanks much! in reply to largeswope #
- Y'all won't mind a few coughs in a podcast, right? #
- @gbertoia Thanks again. Ten seconds in phpMyAdmin and all's well with the install. in reply to gbertoia #
- No baby yet, so I'm headed into a standards and curriculum alignment meeting with secondary language artists and curriculum staff. #
- @jenwagner Me, too. in reply to jenwagner #
- Looks like Buzz will be included in Google Apps for Education. Interesting. http://j.mp/aCSbV2 Possibly useful. #
- @hjarche Look bottom center of Gmail page. "Turn off Buzz" should be an option. in reply to hjarche #
- @karlfisch Opportunities. LOTS of opportunities. in reply to karlfisch #
- I get excited about mapping out systems. It's important. #iamageekbutforgoodreason #
- .@dajbelshaw Better question: Why connect Buzz and Twitter? #firstwhyandifthenhow in reply to dajbelshaw #
- @fceblog Link here. http://www.google.com/profiles/budtheteacher in reply to fceblog #
- @dpeter Will this get you there? http://www.google.com/profiles/budtheteacher in reply to dpeter #
- @SVVSDLibraries I'm not yet sure. I need to play more. in reply to SVVSDLibraries #
- @miketsimpson Yes. Or they're trying multiple ways to do something. One or two of them will work. in reply to miketsimpson #
- Oh. I think I like Buzz. Jury's still out, but it's interesting. #
- Lesson of the day – don't try to manage the tool. Work to help folks be intentional with their behavior. #
- @nlowell Try seeming me an email. Budtheteacher@gmail.com in reply to nlowell #
- Important thinking in these charts. Details forthcoming. http://twitpic.com/12g4ib http://twitpic.com/12g4ih http://twitpic.com/12g4id #
- @AshleeMoran I'm a Bluehost fan. But thanks. in reply to AshleeMoran #
- Talking curriculum and technology with secondary teachers. I needed the conversations. Hope they're productive. Think they will be. #
- Comparing the new Colorado standards for high school language arts with other teachers. Huh. You should do this. http://twitpic.com/12gl9u #
- No baby yet, so I'm picking up the girls from preschool. #
- @joelmalley No need to beg pardon. AR is a common abbreviation for Accelerated Reader. in reply to joelmalley #
- @sarahpom We had chili for dinner. Is that good? in reply to sarahpom #
- @dmagy Why, your recipe, of course. in reply to dmagy #
- I blame @mrchase for "What questions do you have?" He blames me for something else. I like it. Words matter. #
- @gbertoia No. But a smart educator I know wanted to learn more, so I set up a test for her. in reply to gbertoia #
- @gbertoia That said, I'm curious. in reply to gbertoia #
- @val6dan That's not really the name of the conference, is it? in reply to val6dan #
- No baby yet, so I'm headed in to work. #
- @dajbelshaw Yeah. She's going to need a note from her mother if she wants to avoid detention. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- Running out of calendar. Need more days. #
- Another thoughtful post from a high school student. http://j.mp/97FjMr (via @svvsdhd Thanks, Becky, for the pointer.) #
- No baby yet, but I'm headed home, as the doctor is telling us that things will go fast when they get moving. Which they're not. Yet. #
- We know so much about medicine. And so little. #mysteriesabound #
- Gave the cactus a big drink before I left. Hope Plant Protective Services will look in on him while I'm away. #
- Gave @milobo some homework, too. Y'all look in on her, won't you? She's doing smart work and wants to be sharing (cont) http://tl.gd/8e885 #
- It's time. #
- Okay. So we are hanging out at the hospital. They're going to monitor and work a little magic. #
- More entertainment options than our last couple of visits. http://twitpic.com/12moug http://twitpic.com/12moue #
- Showing Ms. the Teacher all your kind tweets on the big screen in the hospital room. You're a kind group. http://twitpic.com/12n0pr #
- Nurse just told me that there's now a "Baby Bistro" meal for mom and dad after the baby comes. #
- Lobster is an option. At a hospital. In Colorado. Worth the risk? #
- Say hi. http://twitpic.com/12nsxp #
- Thanks everyone. A few more pictures. http://j.mp/dx7ejC Still pondering the name. We know the pieces, not the order. 7lbs 11oz. 20.5 in. #
- I have never seen a baby come so fast. But, then again, she's been coming for a long while. #mysteriesabound #
- Quinlynn Laura Hunt. It took a while. But I'm already calling her Quinn. http://flickr.com/budtheteacher #
- Thanks so much for all the kind words, y'all. Holding a sleeping baby here. All's well. #
- Quinn was born about seven and a half hours ago. This is her web presence so far. http://quinnhunt.com #
- @juliafallon Thanks. A little Thoreau is never a bad thing. in reply to juliafallon #
- @ehelfant Tonight, I dig luv.0. Lots. Tomorrow, or the next day, who knows – but tonight, I choose luv.0. Well done. in reply to ehelfant #
- @ChristianLong @amichetti Thanks. She's an even lovelier young lady. in reply to ChristianLong #
- A poem for tonight: "Listening" by David Ignatow. http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=25861 #
- Looks like @milobo did get some thoughts down. Excellent. Help us out – take a peek. Tell us what we're missing. http://bit.ly/ckaWiJ #
- @dajbelshaw Not so much. Although, now that you mention it, that show was set about two hours south of here. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- Again, thanks to all of you for your kind words and thoughts and actions. I am humbled to be in community with such wonderful people. #
- @bcrosby Indeed and thank you. in reply to bcrosby #
- Buzzing – Buzz by Bud Hunt from Buzz: Can't sleep. Should sleep. Will sleep. Count sheep. http://bit.ly/bA36N0 #
- Teagan's favorite thing to say right now is: "I need to tell you a question." I like it. Very direct. #
- @snbeach Yes. in reply to snbeach #
- @snbeach It'll be hard. But worth doing. in reply to snbeach #
- Turning off mail for all of my various devices. I'll be reliably reachable again in a week or two. I love off switches. #
- Breakfast with my older girls. #
- Toasting their sister. http://twitpic.com/12s2pc #
- Flickr is blocked on the hospital in-room patient Internet. But not on the guest wifi. Huh. #
- @bhwilkoff Not always. An email has a guaranteed audence. A tweet doesn't. Must meet sufficient conditions to have potential responses. in reply to bhwilkoff #
- @bhwilkoff Taking a short coffee break. Just me. And smart folks like you. in reply to bhwilkoff #
- @JuliaThornton Yep. And the one we were at. Ms. the Teacher loves their chai. in reply to JuliaThornton #
- @shareski Fake a phone call. Include the following phrases: "fungal infection" "spreads through touch" "itchy but invisible" "no known cure" in reply to shareski #
- Holding a baby. Nothing wrong with that. http://twitpic.com/12t5d0 #
- @jenniferward You're most welcome. in reply to jenniferward #
- @notperfect Thanks. And no. in reply to notperfect #
- @notperfect Whoa. But okay. You got it. in reply to notperfect #
- ITunesU. Lit2Go. USF. Check it out. http://twitpic.com/12u7km #
- Quinn ate. And it wore her out. I've had meals like that, too. #
- @karlfisch @milobo @deacs84 Sorry. And awesome. And I look forward to helping soon. But not just yet. in reply to karlfisch #
- @milobo Thanks. I'm sure you will. I owe you one. Or several. in reply to milobo #
- What an interesting mess this might turn out to be. http://www.ncte.org/virtualconf #
- Hope it goes wonderfully. #
- @Deacs84 Thanks much. I owe you, too. in reply to Deacs84 #
- @skajder Yeah. That was a better way to say it. in reply to skajder #
- Hospital hallways are like Choose Your Own Adventure novels. In a mostly good way. #
- Bringing Quinn home tomorrow. That'll be good. #
- Infant car seat is installed. Again. These things get easier, huh? In some ways, at least. #
- @russgoerend Base +. You can secure a seat without a base, but I wouldn't recommend it. in reply to russgoerend #
- Arranging a babysitter for #colearning Done. #
- Taking Quinn home soon. Had to get her dressed up first. http://twitpic.com/1316l1 #
- Quinn's not just a number. She's also a barcode. #
- @cribchronicles Indeed. On this, as with many things, I agree wholeheartedly. in reply to cribchronicles #
- Home. #
- Reading and rocking with Quinn. And, now, tweeting. #
- Oops. Forgot the best part. http://twitpic.com/132q3y #
- @jennamcjenna I think she is cuter in person. But thanks! in reply to jennamcjenna #
- @teryl_magee You are welcome. What's better than new baby smell? in reply to teryl_magee #
- @jonbecker I've never been to Tokyo. But now I know just what it'll look like when I go. Awesome. in reply to jonbecker #
- @jennamcjenna Agreed. Most definitely. Kind of you. #daddybragging in reply to jennamcjenna #
- I can't remember if I told the Internet that I passed on the free lobster meal at the hospital. I did. No Colorado hospital lobster for me. #
- @poh Nice. in reply to poh #
- Quinn says, "Happy Valentine's Day!" http://twitpic.com/138rgh #
- Teagan really likes oranges. http://twitpic.com/139100 #
- @stevejmoore @scottelias IS there an expectation of privacy in a public school classroom? I'd say that's muddled, at best. in reply to stevejmoore #
- Buzzing – Bud Hunt: First home day with Quinn. Going well, so far. Especially because everyone's sleeping. Fingers… http://bit.ly/cLpiQq #
- Buzzing – Bud Hunt: Looking forward to the Data Liberation Front's look at Buzz. As soon as they do one. How do we… http://bit.ly/985OLu #
- An original knock knock joke from Ani: Knock, knock. Who's there? Cornbread Head. Cornbread Head who? Why are you crying? (Needs some work.) #
- (Probably crying because his name is Cornbread Head. Not the *best* name.) #
- It's good she's learning forms. First the knock knock joke, then the sonnet. #
- @djakes @msstewart Actually, I might do that next weekend. That's a really interesting idea. in reply to djakes #
- Family Olympic Figure Skating watching. I'm hiding on Twitter. Don't tell. #
- @karlfisch @milobo @dmagy Looks good. Go blue on the power symbol. in reply to karlfisch #
- @MsBuell We are watching the moguls now. It's cool the first three or four times. in reply to MsBuell #
- @brueckj23 Course settings. Set availability to available and access to allow guests without the key. in reply to brueckj23 #
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