Relations & Expectations

Teagan has, since her birth, been known to all of us as the little sister. The baby sister. That changed the day that Quinn came. Teagan’s now wearing two hats in our family – little sister to Ani, and big sister to Quinn. ((There are several other hats or roles that she wears, but you […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-02-22

Caring. Library style. # Trying to explain tricky lactation issues over the phone to a clerk at a big box store is a fascinating communication task. My bad. # @stardiverr I needed some very particular supplies late on a Sunday night. Had very few choices. None, it turns out. in reply to stardiverr # […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-02-15

@djakes What does that mean/look like? in reply to djakes # @djakes Huh. Sounds crazy. Perhaps even dignified. in reply to djakes # @MyraG Just submitted to Help Desk and our server admin. in reply to MyraG # @MyraG Not yet. Who knows when these things happen? in reply to MyraG # @stevejmoore Good luck. […]

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Look Out, World

Originally uploaded by Bud the Teacher This is Quinlynn Laura Hunt. She was born earlier this afternoon. We call her Quinn. She’s 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and 20 inches of awesome. I’m just getting to know her; so far I like what I see. (And hear. She doesn’t cry. She squeaks.) Oh, and just in […]

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The Podcast: Pre-Baby Brain Dump

Today’s podcast, recorded on my drive in to Longmont this morning, is a quick brain dump of several of the things that I’m thinking about as I head into new baby time.  Mostly for me, this was an attempt to capture some ideas before they slipped away as well as to offer the change for […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-02-08

My beloved Prius will hit 99,000 miles today. It's not quite four years old. #Idrivelots # Cleaning my desk. Combined height of my two "to read" piles – 9.25 inches. That does not include my Instapaper account. # Has anyone written the definitive "Why YouTube Access for Students Doesn't Violate CIPA/eRate Requirements" post? # Just […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-02-01

Good Monday, tweeps. Spending the morning in meetings. Then another one in the afternoon. And some email in the middle. # Turns out I like getting a paper on the nook. Just wish it was the Rocky. # ISTE tells me that I was wrong. Their "crowdsourced" keynote didn't self-nominate. His father, who nominated him, […]

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