- Good Monday, tweeps. Spending the morning in meetings. Then another one in the afternoon. And some email in the middle. #
- Turns out I like getting a paper on the nook. Just wish it was the Rocky. #
- ISTE tells me that I was wrong. Their "crowdsourced" keynote didn't self-nominate. His father, who nominated him, shares his name. #
- Forgive the error. #
- @msstewart Nah. The loss of advertising did the Rocky in. And bankrupted the group that publishes the _Denver Post_. in reply to msstewart #
- @wmchamberlain I can't say. But it appears that the nomination didn't violate that rule. in reply to wmchamberlain #
- At a Department of Learning Services meeting. Good way to start the week. #
- DIstrict is thinking about ways to "make things visible and discussable" to quote Boss & Krauss. That's good. Lots to do, but movement. #
- @andrea_r @techfacil We are doing some of that. Would be happy to help if I can. in reply to andrea_r #
- Talk turning to budget. Not pretty. Deep breath. #
- Being nice costs nothing and is quite valuable. Been forgetting that lately. Working on it. #
- @techfacil http://blogs.stvrain.k12.co.us http://blogs.stvrain.k12.co.us/stamp http://blogs.stvrain.k12.co.us/lee5 in reply to techfacil #
- @techfacil A few examples. Public. Hosted by district. in reply to techfacil #
- @techfacil Sure. Feel free to give me a call if you want to talk through anything. DMing you my email address. in reply to techfacil #
- @karlfisch @bengrey Me, too. in reply to karlfisch #
- @msstewart So. Close. Keep trying. in reply to msstewart #
- @beverson Excellent. Sorry it took so long. Keep me posted if things change. in reply to beverson #
- @courosa: That IS a most important question. in reply to courosa #
- You ever think "Someone's probably going to screw this up. Might as well be me."? #
- @shareski Little bits of content from the classroom is always good. Post stuff monthly – but only make it public weekly. in reply to shareski #
- Flexing a blogging muscle. Read, think, quote, respond. Rinse. Repeat. (Got to work those muscles to keep them working.) #
- Long day ahead. Should be an interesting one. Community Education Expo tonight. Show and tell for schools. #
- Sun seems to be having trouble rising this morning. I guess we all have days like that. #
- @SVVSDHD Well, yeah. It would. in reply to SVVSDHD #
- Huh. Did the Gmail address+ trick never work with WordPress, or is that just now? Trying to cheat my way into some elementary kid accounts. #
- Guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way. #
- At the Longmont Education Expo. Lots of folks here checking out schools. #
- Just got home. Ms. the Teacher showing the girls "Pants on the Ground." On the second showing. #
- Nothing prepares two little kids for baths like a rousing chorus of "Pants on the Ground." #
- @MyraG I view it in FF all the time. What videos are you having trouble with? Podpress turned on? in reply to MyraG #
- @MyraG Whew. in reply to MyraG #
- @techfacil You're welcome. I'll try to give you a call tomorrow to answer your questions. When's a good time? in reply to techfacil #
- Hoping I've got time to get through a couple chapters of Lanier tonight. Interesting book. #
- @MyraG You and me both. in reply to MyraG #
- @khokanson @kpaccio Depends on what you mean by monitor and how many third party services you want to involve. in reply to khokanson #
- Will I be, ahem, crucified when I write a post titled "SLA Isn't the Promised Land, & @chrislehmann Isn't the Messiah?" #
- @karlfisch You know. Those things I used to write. And am trying to write again. in reply to karlfisch #
- @haroldson Grimace isn't scary. The Hamburglar is scary. in reply to haroldson #
- Tonight's bedtime reading. http://www.tnr.com/article/the-love-culture #
- Tonight's poem: "Fields of Learning" by Josephine Miles. http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=176193 #
- Looks like TechCrunch got hacked again. http://www.techcrunch.com/ #
- @ijohnpederson I hear that's a beta feature. Still pretty buggy. in reply to ijohnpederson #
- @jenwagner I appreciate that, Jen. in reply to jenwagner #
- @teach42 Is that a hurdle? in reply to teach42 #
- @teach42 But should Flash be predominant on websites? in reply to teach42 #
- @ Nah. Build what should be. Not what is. #
- @woscholar @teach42 No it doesn't. in reply to woscholar #
- @erhubbell Either way, doesn't matter. Enough. How many do you need at one time? in reply to erhubbell #
- @woscholar YouTube has a Flashless option. Others will catch up. in reply to woscholar #
- @erhubbell But do you take 1500 books on a trip? Will you have wireless along the way? Don't have to take every book with you. in reply to erhubbell #
- @erhubbell Keep most/many in the cloud. in reply to erhubbell #
- @erhubbell I've got a nook. I can grab books from the BN copy of my library whenever I can get a 3G connection. Looking forward to . . . in reply to erhubbell #
- @erhubbell keeping a copy on my server. Changing the way I think of "library." Kind of cool. in reply to erhubbell #
- @markwagner Wow. Didn't waste a lot of time, did you, Mark? Interesting. in reply to markwagner #
- @woscholar We will see. I understand the desire. in reply to woscholar #
- @ahw It's not terribly smart. in reply to ahw #
- The iPad doesn't multitask? Really? #
- Huh. iBooks is interesting. Hopefully some wicked smart content people are dreaming up ways to make digital texts with ePub. #
- But probably not. #
- @woscholar But they have open standards in their favor. in reply to woscholar #
- Doubling exports is good. Yes. But an interesting goal. #
- Oh. Good. More reform. A world class education *is* a noble goal. But RTTP doesn't get us there. #
- Wait. What? Loan forgiveness? #
- @woscholar Typo. RTTT. My bad. in reply to woscholar #
- Those areas ARE the big ones in American spending. If you don't fiddle with those, how do you slow spending? #
- @funnymonkey Um. Yeah. in reply to funnymonkey #
- Ani hands me _Fox in Socks_ and says: "This book is dangerous, Daddy. Will you read it to me, please?" #that #039;smygirl #
- See? http://twitpic.com/103lgl #
- @sschwister I'm impressed. But the best Seuss is _The Butter Battle Book_. Yes, indeed, sir. in reply to sschwister #
- Good Thursday. Planning on making it into my office today.First time this week. Been in the building, but haven't quite made it to the desk. #
- @andrea_r Very carefully. in reply to andrea_r #
- Good comments here. @chrislehmann says what I was trying to in his last remark. http://bit.ly/afy6NS #
- Today's poem: "Found Poem" by Tom Hoffman. http://www.tuttlesvc.org/2010/01/found-poem.html #
- @Deacs84 @chrislehmann Thanks. And yes. in reply to Deacs84 #
- My colleagues are most kind. These were waiting for me when I arrived at my office this morning. http://twitpic.com/105oza #
- The cactus was not neglected, either. http://twitpic.com/105pid #
- @science_goddess Wait. What? We've been living a lie all this time? in reply to science_goddess #
- I'm just glad that I had a visit from the *Clean* Diaper Fairy. #
- Thinking about caring this morning. How do you build community and work to make sure that your folks are looked after? http://bit.ly/dcccPb #
- My first draft thinking. Could use your ideas, too. http://bit.ly/dcccPb #
- @poh Ew. And yeah. And ew. in reply to poh #
- @dlaufenberg Tell @shareski to quit fiddling with the wires. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- Holy cow. This is shaping up nicely. Anyone else – thoughts on modeling care in schools? http://bit.ly/dcccPb #
- @coolcatteacher Why isolate such a thing to one day? in reply to coolcatteacher #
- Aha. Makes more sense. http://bit.ly/dcccPb #ipad #
- Saying "I would like more software," is not a rationale. #
- @ewanmcintosh Annotatable texts where the annotations mean something – can be shared, easily distributed, responded to, etc. in reply to ewanmcintosh #
- @ewanmcintosh Think YouVersion for educational content. That'd be a start. in reply to ewanmcintosh #
- @ewanmcintosh Especially if student texts could also be introduced as texts on par with current "expert texts." in reply to ewanmcintosh #
- @ewanmcintosh Put "kids making/sharing/fiddling with things" on the same level as "kids reading/watching/listening to things." in reply to ewanmcintosh #
- @ewanmcintosh Yeah. That post in on my reading list. Haven't had time yet to dig in, but it looks thoughtful. in reply to ewanmcintosh #
- When I grow up, I want to be like @mrchase. Except for the growing up part. #
- @NancyW @ricktanski Have fun. Learn lots. Great weekend awaits you both. in reply to NancyW #
- @bhwilkoff @mwacker Safe travels. Colorado's got excellent representation at Educon. Share lots. Send my regards. in reply to bhwilkoff #
- Ew. Cough drops. They taste so much like . . . well, cough drops, I guess. Ricola run in the morning. #
- Clean Diaper Fairy. Man. Those things are everywhere. http://twitpic.com/108ojm #
- @RickTanski Says the virtual school admin. I'll be around. You're in good hands. And you have much to teach. Just share lots. Ok? in reply to RickTanski #
- @markwagner Good luck. Looking forward to learning from you. As always. in reply to markwagner #
- @briancsmith Oh. Man. You're in bad shape if you're already tweeting for condiments. Or you're finding play. Hmm. in reply to briancsmith #
- @NancyW Sorry. I wanted to be. But there's a baby on the way. Enjoy. in reply to NancyW #
- @briancsmith As it should be. Play on. in reply to briancsmith #
- Five year olds' games have some very elaborate rules. #goingtoneedaflowchart #
- Teagan's nightlight wishes you pleasant dreams. http://twitpic.com/108xt1 #
- @dlaufenberg Bravo. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- You know what's worse than cough drops? Cough syrup. Blarrgh. #
- @alicemercer Salty. Better than cough syrup. in reply to alicemercer #
- @milobo Just the name is freaking me out a little. in reply to milobo #
- @adinasullivan Ha. And yuck. And I read "terrapin" and was worried you had to drink turtle water. Ew. in reply to adinasullivan #
- @LongmntExaminer I'm a fan of the plain Ricola. Picking some up tomorrow. in reply to LongmntExaminer #
- @adinasullivan Thanks much. in reply to adinasullivan #
- @paulrwood Nor does it sound like it'd fix a cough. (But I bet they've got some at Mace's.) in reply to paulrwood #
- @paulrwood Actually, both. in reply to paulrwood #
- Seriously. They must make it taste worse every few years. Blech. #
- @technolibrary That'd mean going to the kitchen. That's far. in reply to technolibrary #
- Blech. Cough drops for breakfast. #
- Ah. Manna. http://twitpic.com/10ba3e #
- Still seeking your thoughts on Caring Classrooms for our #Educon conversation on Sunday. Add your thoughts here: http://bit.ly/dcccPb #
- Also, some of my pre #Educon thoughts. http://bit.ly/afy6NS #
- @concretekax Of course. I just hope that something comes of such time spent together. in reply to concretekax #
- @RussGoerend They are now. Yum. in reply to RussGoerend #
- @smartinez @charleneli I'd offer this district blogging portal as an example here in my district. http://blogs.stvrain.k12.co.us in reply to smartinez #
- The Clean Diaper Fairies have struck again. Awesome. http://twitpic.com/10bfvf #
- @sanmccarron I've two mostly out of diapers and one on the way any day now. in reply to sanmccarron #
- @concretekax Believing and doing aren't the same. in reply to concretekax #
- @infomancy Uh oh. in reply to infomancy #
- @s_burke Me, too. in reply to s_burke #
- if you've a picture or video of a learning space that you think demonstrates caring, please add it here: http://drop.io/caringclassroom #
- One advantage to hosting your own stuff is that when the Internet is not accessible, you can still reach your local resources. #
- @beverson @svvsdhd Yep. in reply to beverson #
- And we're back. Internet's back in St. Vrain. #
- @beverson Dunno. If I find out, I'll let you know. in reply to beverson #
- @msstewart I had nothing to do with it. But I'll take the credit. Tell them I said howdy. in reply to msstewart #
- Man. 24 new elementary bloggers added. Took two whole Ricola. I'm either slow or extra coughy. Or both. #
- @snbeach Thanks much. Enjoy Educon. Maybe I'll see you there next year. in reply to snbeach #
- @ecram3 I knew I've been doing something wrong. That explains lots. in reply to ecram3 #
- @crafty184 @thekyleguy Nah. I take notes plenty of places where it's not "built into the lesson." I do okay. in reply to crafty184 #
- @crafty184 But I know what you're saying. in reply to crafty184 #
- @crafty184 Nah. Not so much. in reply to crafty184 #
- Someone put this in their home. On purpose. #pier1freaksmeoutalittle http://twitpic.com/10f6lj #
- I can't imagine why these are on sale. http://twitpic.com/10f7up #
- Settling in with the nook and a fresh bag of Ricola. Day two of cough syrup. Yuck. #
- @ScottElias Follow the replies back. The conversation makes sense – and you weren't misquoted. in reply to ScottElias #
- Taking one of the cats I don't blog about to the vet. #
- Ani's bringing her camera. #
- The young photographers at work. http://twitpic.com/10iwc1 #
- @MrChase Any chance that you're recording audio in there? Stream was a bit funky-sounding. in reply to MrChase #
- @MrChase Low talking. Figures. The smart ones always mumble. No worries. Just write about it later. in reply to MrChase #
- @technolibrary THE network? in reply to technolibrary #
- Alka Seltzer Cold. It's fizzy. It's fun to make. It has an air of cough syrup about it. Blergh. http://twitpic.com/10kipk #
- @MrChase Break a leg. in reply to MrChase #
- Friends brought fondue fixin's. #joy #
- @bengrey I'm hoping to forget about the coughing for a short time. And yuck. in reply to bengrey #
- Grill's almost ready. http://twitpic.com/10lemv #
- @technolibrary Ew. in reply to technolibrary #
- @ransomtech Have you stated your criticisms anywhere? in reply to ransomtech #
- @ransomtech Yeah. I saw Mark's post and his tweet. But what did YOU say? in reply to ransomtech #
- @AndreaZellner If you're hungry, try the white clam pizza. It inspires poetry and photo walks. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @ransomtech Thanks. Well said. in reply to ransomtech #
- And now there're are chocolate chip cookies. Guess I'll feed this cold. #
- Getting set to talk about caring with @mrchase and @ijohnpederson http://educon22.org/conversations/The_Caring_Classroom #
- I see @poh. In the Caring Classroom conversation. http://is.gd/7pXEz #
- @MrChase Somebody's got to be looking out for that kid. in reply to MrChase #
- @poh @mrchase Thanks for coming, Paul. So glad you made it. in reply to poh #
- @MrChase Whew. in reply to MrChase #
- @RickTanski @mrchase Indeed. See you soon. in reply to RickTanski #
- Reloaded my Ricola supply. Wouldn't have made it through the session this morning without the mute button. And @mrchase's fine facilitation. #
- @msstewart Thanks. He's mine, too. #
- @RussGoerend Congratulations to you and yours. All the best. in reply to RussGoerend #
- @ddmeyer I'm not sure, myself. in reply to ddmeyer #
- @ddmeyer Yeah. I'm wondering about the last sentence. That it was more. I wonder. in reply to ddmeyer #
- @MrChase @ddmeyer Aw, crap. Then there's lots of work to do. in reply to MrChase #
- @crafty184 No. I'm wondering if the tweets were as deep as it got for some folks. And that'd be sad. in reply to crafty184 #
- @crafty184 Good. I'd like to be wrong about such things. in reply to crafty184 #
- @MrChase Agreed. Harder to see those. in reply to MrChase #
- @crafty184 Thanks. I heard many good things about your cognitive load conversation. Looking forward to it. in reply to crafty184 #
- @crafty184 If I get to it prior to the baby, you'll have it. If it's after the baby – you might need to remind me. in reply to crafty184 #
- Mixing it up a little. http://twitpic.com/10selg #
- @karlfisch Indeed. I'm a man on the edge. in reply to karlfisch #
- @dmagy I like that title. Lots. in reply to dmagy #
- @hfeldman Wanted to tell you that you did an excellent job as our moderator today. Very well done! #
- @cfraser150 No baby yet. Soon. Any day, maybe. in reply to cfraser150 #
- Seriously. Look out world. Going nuts here. http://twitpic.com/10smk3 #
- @msstewart And honey. Lots of honey. Watch out world, I'll chew you up. in reply to msstewart #
- @technolibrary Oh. Man. That explains the mess. in reply to technolibrary #
- NWP's Walkabout blog – notes from the field. Most recent posts are from #educon http://nwpwalkabout.posterous.com/ #
- Remember when Marc Cohn won a Grammy? And then you never heard from him again? #
- In all seriousness, I still dig Cohn. But he was never seen on TV again. #
- Digging in to _Team of Rivals_. Off to a fine start. #
- @paulallison My apologies, Paul. Hope our paths cross soon again. in reply to paulallison #
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