CyberCamp on Teachers Teaching Teachers

The conversation I did last week with Teachers Teaching Teachers is now up as a podcast.  Plenty of great information about some interesting summer professional development.  You should listen.  After some gentle nudges in the chat room, I’ll be talking more about CyberCamp at a NECC Unplugged session at 3:30pm on Tuesday in the NECC Blogger’s Cafe.  I’ll make sure there’s a stream and will share the link when I know what it is.

4 thoughts on “CyberCamp on Teachers Teaching Teachers

  1. Bud-

    I recently listened in on that episode of TTT. I really liked the idea behind the summer tech institute, CyberCamp (especially the WIPs), and Writing Projects as well. Niether of which do we have in my area. I would really appreciate your thoughts on Fostering Professional Collaboration. If you are interested please check out my latest post.

    I hope you don’t mind, I will be posing the idea of a CyberCamp to my district. However, I will let them know where it came from and how we could learn more about it.

    Steven Kimmis last blog post..Fostering Professional Collaboration In The Divide

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