What would students say?

        It seems like there are lots of people weighing in on what "counts" as blogging. Specifically, Will Richardson has taken the issue on several times, most recently here.  I’ve also been fortunate enough to receive a semi-personal lesson in blogging, which he defines here in another post: But I’ve never in my […]

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Mistakes are Made

    I had some extra time this afternoon as I was sitting in traffic in Denver.  This gave me a chance to get down some thoughts about mistakes, how we can learn from them, and why we should allow our students the opportunities to do so.  Specifically, I’m exploring some of the riskiness that […]

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Blog Legs

        Do you ever just itch to write something down?  Since I’ve developed this blogging habit, I find myself taking better notes and trying to get ideas down more often than before.  I don’t know if my skills have improved, but I do know that my desire to write, and to remember the […]

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Grade “A” Blogging

    I’m constantly blown away that other teachers, quality teachers, in fact, are reading and thinking about my reflections here.  The feeling, to quote a student of mine, is "sickly-ill tight tight."  (I think that means cool.)    Darren, over at A Difference, recently posted a comment here about my blogging course.  He had […]

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Podcast #2

    Well, due in part to the excitement I’ve felt in the classroom this week, and also in part because I did receive lots of positive feedback on last week’s podcast, I’ve decided to give this another stab.  This week’s podcast is an opportunity to share a bit about my blogging class and what […]

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A Beginning

    Today begins my experiment with blogging in the classroom.  At 3:00 p.m. Mountain, I will hold the first session of my blogfolio course.  In the course, I’ll be experimenting with blogs and blogging and wikis and related technologies.  I’m pretty excited and nervous to see what we can accomplish.  I’ll post more on […]

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What do those tests teach?

    This week we’re giving our state test, the CSAP, to the students at my school.  It’s going pretty well — the students, for the most part, are taking the test seriously, as they care about our school and what the test scores can mean for the program.  But something  happened yesterday that really […]

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So much for “what if”

    Well, based on the almost immediate responses I got from my musing this afternoon, I have gone ahead and created a workshop space for any interested collaborator to play around in/with.  Thanks to the fine folks at JotSpot, I was able to put together a really, really rough wiki setup in a very […]

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What if . . .

    What if I were to put a sample blogging acceptable use policy on a wiki and ask the kind folks out there in the blogosphere to help me cobble something together?  Would anyone play along?  Or does everyone else already have this stuff figured out, and I’m the only one who doesn’t yet?

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Almost Forgot

    Almost forgot to tell you one thing about my conference experience.  During one of my sessions, I was talking about how great it was to have a discussion board as a place where students could go to talk about literature.  I said something like "I think that we need to create more opportunities […]

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