Off to NCTE

I’m sitting at the airport this morning waiting for a flight to Las Vegas for the NCTE 2012 Annual Convention. I’m eager to be in conversation and community with friends and colleagues.

And I’m also excited to find my conference schedule a little lighter than in recent trips, which means I get to do something I don’t do as often as I’d like – I get to listen. While there, I’ll be listening specifically for folks reactions to Common Core implementation, the coming assessments, and how devices are or aren’t making their way into schools and classrooms.

What else should I be listening for? To whom should as be listening? I’d be interested in your thoughts.

2 thoughts on “Off to NCTE

  1. Kevin Slick says:

    Listen for the sounds of excitement and then follow those voices.

  2. Chris S says:

    Bud, I’m interested in everyone’s opinion on the common core vis a vis the concept of text. The 1992 NCTE/IRA standards had a broad view of it as print and non print. The common core seems like a more limited view, IMHO.

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