Visiting with a Neighbor. Sort of.

Had a short visit the other morning with monika, who’s trying something new ((Or, really, quite old, perhaps.)) just up the road from where I work and down the road from where I live.  I can’t quite sum up her work in a one sentence “this is what she’s doing” statement – but I can say that she and her students are exploring something important.  They’ve been on a journey for a few years now that’s leading them to some interesting spaces.

And I’m looking very forward to hearing from her and them on this month’s CLN Webinar next Tuesday, November 15th, at 3:30pm Mountain.  You should come, too.

On a semi-related note, I just had to share with you these words monika wrote recently in response to something I said back here a week or so ago.

i think we compromise too much be seeking proof for things.
what if we experimented more with a culture of trust.
that people are good right now.
that you are fine today…. let’s just start being/doing more of you.

Poetry there.

3 thoughts on “Visiting with a Neighbor. Sort of.

  1. monika hardy says:

    love that we are neighbors…

    working on more spaces of permission where we all have/take/create more time to be neighbors..

  2. Hmm. So that would be 5:30 here (EST). Will try to be there. Important ideas can rarely be summarized in a statement, especially ones that may feel oddly familiar and yet foreign.

    1. Bud Hunt says:

      Would love to see you there. Thanks.

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