Connective Children. Nothing New?

This afternoon, Mary Ann and WIll were talking a bit about Kindergarten standards.  I butted in. ((That’s one thing Twitter’s good for – having open conversation – both so that you can model what that might look like as well as allow folks to intrude.  And, yeah.  I know I just wrote this.  And am […]

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"Pummeled by a Deluge"

Rebecca Blood, a lifetime ago in Internet time, : We are being pummeled by a deluge of data and unless we create time and spaces in which to reflect, we will be left with only our reactions. And when I read Dean yesterday talking of owning one’s space to share one’s words, and then Tony’s […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-08-22

@crafty184 Thanks. Considered that. But I needed an excuse to fiddle with Scrivener, I guess, so giving myself a week with it. in reply to crafty184 # @crafty184 Likely your suggestion is smarter. But at least this way I can fiddle with knobs when I get stuck. in reply to crafty184 # @crafty184 I've wanted […]

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