Determining Failure

I’m off again on a short vacation, but I couldn’t let this paragraph escape at least a word or two.  Over the weekend, Bill Gates was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal.  From the piece: One of the foundation’s main initial interests was schools with fewer students. In 2004 it announced that it would spend […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-07-25

Good Monday. Teaching and playing catch up today. Nice to have some office time. Big year ahead. # @techsavvyed The joy of the summer schedule. Enjoy your break. in reply to techsavvyed # @hickstro Well thanks. What sorts of folks are you looking to follow? in reply to hickstro # @hickstro I'd look at @MaryAnnReilly, […]

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Leave A Little Love for Them

I’ve been teaching an awful lot of Google Mail and Calendar classes lately, as my school district is moving into its new email platform ((Google Apps for Education.  We’re excited about it.)).  And I mention during these classes that students will have email next year.  In fact, it’s one of the big advantages for us […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-07-18

Back to work. Teaching Google mail today. Should be fun to discover how many changes have been made in the last week. # @milobo Thanks. See you soon. in reply to milobo # @garystager Have a great time. in reply to garystager # Fiddling with this – thanks for the nudge from @dhudgins. (Lots […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-07-11

Off to rent some bikes and ride around the coast. Rough day. # "We hold these truths to be self-evident . . ." # @TeachaKidd On point 8 – we should not be in the business of pre approving student utterances. Let's not push for tools to censor students. in reply to TeachaKidd # […]

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