The Week in Tweets for 2011-09-26

@jonbecker @bonstewart Lately, my spam tells me I'm not so good. So that's a change, I guess. in reply to jonbecker # People make texts, people. People just like you. Don't give a book authority it doesn't have just because it's a book. Or a website. Etc. # You can totally buy your Facebook popularity. […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-09-19

@elemenous I'm going to miss your session today – catching up on my thesis – but have fun and enjoy Boulder. in reply to elemenous # Brilliant. Google Docs now has comment-only access. Keeps getting better. # @coolcatteacher While you're pointing people to the NRP, please also point them to rebuttals. Here's one. […]

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Digging Out My Sash

I took a quick peek at the Mozilla Open Badges project a little while back, and liked what I saw. It’s cialis professional an attempt to create an open infrastructure for badges around the Web. I like the technical pieces that allow anyone to offer any badge to anyone else in a consistent way. It […]

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September 12th, 2001. A Wednesday.

September 12th.  That’s the day everything changed. ((Sure.  September 11th.  I woke to the phone ringing and was told to turn on the news.  I’d been married for all of three months and what I saw on TV didn’t make sense.  Still doesn’t sometimes.)) A few weeks previously, I had begun my teaching career as […]

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What Counts

On Thursday night, I was helping to introduce the concept of teacher research to a group of teachers in my school district.  And it happened.  The thing that often happens when you introduce qualitative methodology. We read a sample teacher research study that Michelle and I are fond of.  I like the study, a short […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2011-09-05

@L_Hilt Go into your Google account settings. Enable multiple sign on. Then just switch back and forth from your name in the title bar. in reply to L_Hilt # @L_Hilt Alternatively, if your browser supports a private mode, you may still be able to login to the second account in a private tab. in reply […]

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A Year of Learning

Tonight, we kicked off the first team leader meeting of the year for the new cohort of the Digital Learning Collaborative. The DLC, if you didn’t know, is a two-year professional development program we’re in our third year of developing.  Year one is a year for personal and professional learning.  Year two, which we’ll kickoff […]

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