- Quotas seem illegal in policing but are essential components of educational pay for performance plans. Why one and not the other? #
- Perhaps Colorado would have fewer wildfires if we paid our firepeople based on their performance rather than their time and experience. #
- @ecram3 Scenarios and the opportunity for detective work. in reply to ecram3 #
- Department of Learning Services meeting – was going so well until our leader mentioned her love for the Colts. Sigh. #
- For good or for bad, percentiles are measures of competition. #notetoself #
- Lots of talk of Superman lately. @chriscrutcher has some good thoughts on Superman. In his short story _Angus Bethune_. http://bit.ly/biFRVv #
- @brittanbeck Half day is the norm in Colorado. Sadly. in reply to brittanbeck #
- Today's moment of Quinn. http://twitpic.com/2smhms #
- Today's moment of Quinn. http://twitpic.com/2smhms #
- @PaulWHankins Does your state have standards, Paul? #engchat in reply to PaulWHankins #
- @AndreaZellner It was a four to three vote for adoption by the State Board of Education. New state standards, too. So we don't yet know. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @PaulWHankins So is Indiana Egg McMuffinized? #engchat in reply to PaulWHankins #
- @smartinez @karlfisch Can I lurk in the back? in reply to smartinez #
- @smartinez I talk at Karl all the time. I was hoping to listen. Nuts. in reply to smartinez #
- @smartinez There are CSU and CU retweeting accounts. I've blocked both. Not sure what else I can do. Don't think they're school affiliated. in reply to smartinez #
- @MsEstep @smartinez Sorry. I can't figure out how to stop them. And it's just plain weird. in reply to MsEstep #
- @MsEstep I like your attitude on the matter. in reply to MsEstep #
- @fink_girl You really shouldn't have. in reply to fink_girl #
- Rocking out to some of my own music. I'm thinking that's allowed, right? Reliving the first time I hear myself on the radio. Big day. #
- @sarahpom Shh. in reply to sarahpom #
- @shareski @mguhlin @teachakidd I think that one's legit. A little birdie told me. I'm digging in a bit. You come, too. in reply to shareski #
- @dlaufenberg Definitely different, huh? in reply to dlaufenberg #
- RT @milobo: Reform that starts with a group of teachers. Indeed. http://nyti.ms/bKGHqo #
- @courosa Give it another try – loaded for me. in reply to courosa #
- @courosa Weird. Must take electrons longer to get across the border. in reply to courosa #
- @courosa You are very kind, Alec. That's high praise and I appreciate it. in reply to courosa #
- @mrplough07 Say more. in reply to mrplough07 #
- @willrich45 Pretty much all the time. in reply to willrich45 #
- Oh. Good. Because we didn't have enough to worry about. http://bit.ly/cAvHxX #
- Oh. Hyperdock. Handy. #
- Listening in to the Ed Nation panel. Formatting tables and images, too. http://bit.ly/bKm1io (Wondering if the (cont) http://tl.gd/68b4ba #
- I'm also wondering why @askgeorge accepted the premise of Brian Williams' question that "we lost the (education) race." We did? #
- @robwall Twitter was one of notespaces – here're my Evernotes – bot sure they'll be helpful. http://twitpic.com/2stlt4 in reply to robwall #
- Teachers don't need "rewards." They need reasonable compensation that allows them to focus on their teaching. #educationnation #
- Any why are 45% of charter schools NOT authorized by local school boards? #educationnation #
- @rodiogal I'm sorry? The panel representative on #educationnation stated that 55% of charters were authorized by local boards. in reply to rodiogal #
- RT @ssandifer: My suggestion to the mainstream media http://is.gd/fy1Rw #educationnation #
- @mcleod Clipped. Thanks! in reply to mcleod #
- @smartinez Thanks. I've clipped it for later. in reply to smartinez #
- Been trying to write about some important, but not so sexy, work – talking thoughtfully about data. Story worth telling. Hard to tell. #
- @TedSouppa If someone has to give you judgment, then you won't really have any. #edchat in reply to TedSouppa #
- @kylepace Say more. in reply to kylepace #
- @kylepace I'm beginning to understand what you're getting at. It's a good question. I was trying to address the (cont) http://tl.gd/68f76n in reply to kylepace #
- @elanaleoni They do. But the respect side isn't simply "given." see my response to @kylepace for more. in reply to elanaleoni #
- Surely an #nwp peep has already Asked Arne about the funding situation for groups like the NWP? http://bit.ly/dfK63L #
- I suddenly find myself in need of elementary social studies resources. The kind you might compose a textbook with. Have any? #
- @dmagy Yum. Hope you went with honey. in reply to dmagy #
- Just got an email from William Gibson. No, not THAT William Gibson. But I did do a double take. #
- @shareski Do it already. It'll be good. in reply to shareski #
- RT @chrislehmann: #edchat @educationnation This is the education that Oprah and Arne Duncan support. It is cruel (cont) http://tl.gd/68gioj #
- "When our metaphor of community doesn't match the way a community works, it's not the community that's (cont) http://tl.gd/68glqp #
- Read this tonight. http://ow.ly/2LoOV And then again tomorrow. You've got time. #
- @JackieB Good thing I'm caddy corner across from you, then. in reply to JackieB #
- It's looking like I'll never get the chance to try, and then be disappointed in and ultimately reject, the new Twitter. #cmonguys #
- @karlfisch I'd write enough. Probably. in reply to karlfisch #
- @ijohnpederson @pickledtreats I use Call Recorder. It's good. And will capture video, too. in reply to ijohnpederson #
- Digging into teacher research with the DLC and the CSUWP today. Pumped. Should be good. #
- @lisa1218 Nothing stupid about that picture. Rock on. in reply to lisa1218 #
- These are the days I think to myself: "Okay. This is good. Now try very hard not to screw this up." #
- @TeachaKidd First of all – yeah. Doesn't look good. Secondly – how is your tweet different from @courosa's desk pic/comment? in reply to TeachaKidd #
- @chrislehmann @willrich45 Agreed. in reply to chrislehmann #
- Ben Folds + Nick Hornsby = "Lonely Hearts" = pretty good album. Some solid tracks. A few misses. But I like it. #
- @SLazarOtC You were right to try. Thank you. in reply to SLazarOtC #
- http://j.mp/9ZNARu Revision history with color coding is back in Google Docs. Sooner than I'd hoped. Neat. #
- And we're off with CSUWP at the DLC. As a true writing project event, we're beginning with . . . wait for it . . .writing. #sogood #
- So pleased that one of our computer techs is here today learning with us. That's awesome. And important. #
- Talking about the power of reflection & frustration of being seen as "lazy" or "inefficient" when teachers seek time to improve practice. #
- Mention of Poudre School District's measuring "efficiency" of a school by the time spent with students teaching. #notsogood #
- "You need to talk to someone for reflection to be important." I wonder if I started talking to the Internet because my classroom was lonely. #
- .@drjohnhadley I think my writing is a conversation with myself that I share with others. That's when it's the most useful, I think. in reply to drjohnhadley #
- "Learning takes time." "Teachers are learners." Therefore, there must be time for their learning. Must be. When is that? #
- I worry sometimes when folks say that the power of research is that we can take the emotion out of things. Emotion's good. It's human. #
- @jonbecker Yep. Just like journalism isn't objective. And shouldn't be. in reply to jonbecker #
- Question in the room – "Do we build enough inquiry and reflection into our students?" It's a good question. #
- @anderscj Yep – I'd fiddle with the wording – but it wasn't my question. Intent is good. in reply to anderscj #
- "Where in this lesson are children exploring and discovering?" Also a fine question. #
- And @chriscrutcher chimes in. And he's right. http://bit.ly/9HHrCM Neat. #
- @marciamarcia So books? Magazines? Trains? Airplanes? in reply to marciamarcia #
- RT @smartinez: @wrtngtchr @budtheteacher people equate emotionalism with being irrational. it's wrong both ways- (cont) http://tl.gd/68r5jm #
- Hey, @bluehost – we're now 45 minutes into a 15 minute surprise downtime. Any help? #
- @bluehost Thanks much. in reply to bluehost #
- @crafty184 Yeah – saw – this wasn't THAT bad – but it was an unfortunate time to be down. in reply to crafty184 #
- @crafty184 Yep. in reply to crafty184 #
- Quick lunch and then we dive into looking at district data. Notice our data serves our questions. Important frame. #
- When you have a reason to look at your data, then it's easy to dig in deep. #
- “Wouldn’t just one person wonder whether we should stop asking ‘How intelligent are you?’ and ask instead…” http://instapaper.com/zS3n4bo1g #
- @John_Merrow Thank you for that most thoughtful post. in reply to John_Merrow #
- @msstewart That's about the highest praise you can give a writing teacher. Ever. Thank you kindly. in reply to msstewart #
- @TeacherReality Right on. in reply to TeacherReality #
- @TeacherReality Let's just make sure that "teacher" means something good and important and true and noble. in reply to TeacherReality #
- @edjurist Love my Roku. Hulu Plus, I though, was supported – but not worth it, I hear. Amazon is handy. in reply to edjurist #
- @JosieHolford Roger that. in reply to JosieHolford #
- "Picture Window" by Folds and Hornsby. Going to be an important tune. Maybe already is. Love it. #
- Except it's Hornby. Keep messing that up. #
- @Twilliamson15 Nope Nick Hornby. But good stuff. Really. in reply to Twilliamson15 #
- Seriously. I get push updates like these. We live in amazing times. Really amazing. http://twitpic.com/2t7s0u #
- @sarahpom It's true. I'm cool with it. Embracing the inner geek with the outer self. Because, you know, I've (cont) http://tl.gd/68vusk in reply to sarahpom #
- @karlfisch Dude. They're finding Earthish planets in suspected habitable zones. Dude. That's worth an amazing or two. in reply to karlfisch #
- spiritual wheaties – There are always turkeys or gorillas and sometimes we have to let go in order to move forward. http://goo.gl/BQaA #
- Looks like Commissioner Jones is headed to Clark County, Nevada. I guess we really are Waiting for Superman here in Colorado. #
- @milobo So. Not. Cool. But you made biscuits. My goodness. Biscuits. So you're cool. in reply to milobo #
- Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, you get email that you want to print out and frame. I got one today. Twice. #
- @karlfisch I'm hoping it's you. (Yes. It will.) in reply to karlfisch #
- @milobo I'm afraid that you've given folks a bit too much information regarding my biscuit consumption. And there was also chocolate. in reply to milobo #
- The more time I'm in Facebook, the more I find it to be a car wreck. It's horrific, and I don't want to look, but I just can't help myself. #
- RT @SVVSDHD: We have some exciting news about St. Vrain Apps coming soon. -Dan #
- @pickledtreats Do it. in reply to pickledtreats #
- “If you want to change education, Oprah, don’t make the mistake everyone else has. Ask teachers.” http://instapaper.com/zKoeafo1z #
- @dajbelshaw I'm assuming that you can explain the relevance of your last tweet in your next one. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- Day two off to a great start – peeking into CSUWP folks' inquiry. And @hickstro has been mentioned as a "guru." So that's cool. #
- @ Digital/analog writing isn't a binary. It's an interrelated set of skills. #
- @dajbelshaw True. But we've got to try. Hard. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- @dajbelshaw I sure can. The easy road isn't the right road. But I'm less interested in blame and more interested in improvement. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- @dajbelshaw I might not be – but it isn't one or the other, of course. But to not engage ANY teachers – to not get ANY input – is not ok. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- RT @codepted: Clark County School Board Of Trustees Selects Colorado Commissioner Dwight D. Jones As Superintendent http://bit.ly/9VRxoO #
- Thinking about inquiry. Revising our research questions Whisper from a DLC team leader. "This is really cool." Big smile. #goodday #
- A draft of my research question along with some feedback. http://twitpic.com/2tdrvq #
- .@educationnation That's great. How much did they pay NBC for their sponsorship and what percentage of that goes to support classroom work? in reply to educationnation #
- Getting a handle on my research questions. For now. #
- .@educationnation I guess my real question is what was the profit/revenue generated by Education Nation? Revenue structure? Who benefitted? #
- Wow. To be a fly on the wall for that conversation. Oh, wait. You can be. http://bit.ly/b4pxsS #
- RT @SVVSDHD: St. Vrain Apps Accounts: On Monday, we are making a major change: http://bit.ly/dmOL4s -Dan #
- I needed these last two days to go well. And they did. Now on to the harder part – sustaining the momentum. #
- Thanks to our friends at the CSUWP for a fine kickoff to teacher research in the DLC. #
- @sjciske It is indeed. Thanks! in reply to sjciske #
- Long day. Good day. I like it when the two match. #
- On Monday, St. Vrain Apps goes live for all students. All of them. Neat. http://j.mp/aTD99x #sogood #
- @Deacs84 We were originally going only sixth grade and up. Now going with all students. That's neat. in reply to Deacs84 #
- @kadding Thanks. What's next Friday look like for lunch? in reply to kadding #
- @kadding @karlfisch Is it broken? in reply to kadding #
- @W3iGHTLESS Good luck. It's a good proposal. in reply to W3iGHTLESS #
- @kadding Are the widgets circumventing the filter? in reply to kadding #
- Office day. Writing day. Reading day. Logistics day. Email day. Not enough time in the day day. But we will make do. #
- @bcrosby @chrislehmann I'd like to know the answer. in reply to bcrosby #
- .@edpresssec Any answers from the Secretary on those questions I sent your way about how he learns? #
- “Are you doing whatever you can to make my children self-directed, self-organized, passionate learners?” http://instapaper.com/zGigklo10 #
- “The question is why it is not being examined with the same skeptical view that, say, Obama’s health care…” http://instapaper.com/zapx5lo1Y #
- “what we scrawl here always has human effects and consequences.” http://instapaper.com/zk3ebjo1H #
- Recaffeining. Writing to do. #
- @rgriffithjr You're most welcome. in reply to rgriffithjr #
- Email triage. #
- Helping teachers to be thoughtful and giving them time is cost effective and helps our students. It's just hard, is the thing. #worthdoing #
- I didn't know that Poudre School District was playing with Google Apps for Education. Did you? #
- RT @stevehargadon: @dianeravitch joins the participants for Elevating the Dialog on Ed Reform Monday. http://ow.ly/2N03U #elev8ed #
- Just ordered _Hamlet on the Holodeck_. Because, you know, I've got all that extra reading time. #
- @bonstewart It's cool. Snagged it for $6. I'm pretty happy with that. And I'm hoping you'd approve of my reading choice. in reply to bonstewart #
- @bonstewart Have you read this: http://amzn.to/aHqdxu It's messed with my head. in reply to bonstewart #
- @bonstewart Yeah. Ergotic. Not erotic. Pretty different. in reply to bonstewart #
- RT @SVVSDHD: Reminder: Web outage tonight from 5 to 6pm: http://bit.ly/dzvNbE -Dan #
- Hold music. Obscure Disney tunes. Oh. Man. #
- I wonder if I just stumbled into my thesis. Again. #
- And just fallen in love with Keynote. Again. #
- @funnymonkey Do two virtuals make a real? in reply to funnymonkey #
- I am also very fond of working with a smart program assistant. Hooray for program assistance. #
- Wow! (Translation for @karlfisch: Wow.) http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/photos/imagedetails/index.cfm?imageId=4152 #
- @danamhuff Suppose you finish the book? Revise it instead of start over? in reply to danamhuff #
- @danamhuff He's a smart dude. in reply to danamhuff #
- @woscholar If you can hit a drive that far, then I'm thinking I really need to eat more barbecue and Chik-Fil-A. (cont) http://tl.gd/69r3bc in reply to woscholar #
- My mouse is not for percussion.
My mouse is not for percussion.
My mouse is not for percussion.
But I sure keep good time. # - No joke – I've knocked 350 or so emails out of my inbox today. There are still far too many of them left. But work goes on. #
- New post from work – DLC teacher research kickoff – lots of research questions. http://bit.ly/9NcvOV #
- @notperfect I started at 900. I'm not bragging. I'm trying to convince myself that it'll be okay. That was just one account. in reply to notperfect #
- RT @: Read how an #nwp inquiry group examines the intersections of multiple literacies: http://bit.ly/cSE4t1 #
- @woscholar That works. I'm off to find some barbecue. in reply to woscholar #
- http://twitpic.com/2tqh4q Or else. #
- @karlfisch If I start using emoticons, I'll call them myself. in reply to karlfisch #
- Can't quite find the voice for a project I'm working on. But I'm starting to feel it. Just a little bit. Maybe. #
- Looking for examples of "productive eavesdropping" – situations where you're listening in but not necessarily the intended audience. Help? #
- Great examples, y'all. Now – what digital examples can you think of of productive eavesdropping? #
- Research questions are now back in the DLC post. Silly iframes. http://j.mp/9NcvOV #
- @ehelfant Cool. Happy to help. Do share. in reply to ehelfant #
- @ehelfant Can't wait to hear more. in reply to ehelfant #
- Tonight's moment of Quinn. http://twitpic.com/2trx2g #
- @deborahgist @tuttle_svc Just not the ones from Hope? Did you ever meet with those student leaders? Before the court case? in reply to deborahgist #
- @edpresssec Thanks. Looking forward to those next week. #
- @dmagy You can do it. in reply to dmagy #
- @djakes Oh, yeah? Well, I'm changing diapers and driving carpool all weekend. And mowing my lawn. So there. #canijoinyou in reply to djakes #
- @djakes Try not to let it ruin your trip. I held back that I'm also likely to rotate my tires. in reply to djakes #
- @deborahgist @tuttle_svc Forgive my error. I hope in the future you'll talk to students with concerns before they require that process. in reply to deborahgist #
- @davidwees you should investigate IRC. in reply to davidwees #
- @deborahgist @tuttle_svc I'm pleased to hear that. I certainly hope you won't turn down future requests from students, either. in reply to deborahgist #
- .@deborahgist @tuttle_svc I did some reading. Is this story accurate? If so, seems to me that, while you didn't (cont) http://tl.gd/69tj30 in reply to deborahgist #
- Watching the Danza thing. Dude. He should've signed in, apparently. #
- This is seriously staged. #danzathing #
- Sanitizer. #Danzathing Metaphorical implications here. #
- This is getting interesting. #Danzathing #
- @irasocol @jonbecker @ransomtech Reverend Jim would've been satire. This is far more awkward. in reply to irasocol #
- Ms. the Teacher suspects he was given an honors class. And just the one. #Danzathing #
- All first year teachers have no experience. Or sanitizer. Or personal instructional coaches. #Danzathing #
- One class. #Danzathing #
- @danamhuff Agreed. I'm not so sure she's right. in reply to danamhuff #
- Really interesting. #Danzathing #
- How not to encourage writing in your classroom. But this is an interesting exploration of practice. #Danzathing #
- @nashworld No. You're not wrong. #Danzathing in reply to nashworld #
- He got his own room? For one class? That's not real. The emotional bit may be. #Danzathing #
- @ELanghorst I had five. Every nine weeks they changed. in reply to ELanghorst #
- Early soccer game. It's definitely Fall. #
- @donalynbooks @andreazellner Some things are worth getting weepy over. The #NWP is one of them. in reply to donalynbooks #
- Today's moment of Quinn. http://twitpic.com/2tzhha #
- Ani the soccer star. http://twitpic.com/2tzm8w #
- Quinn was having trouble starting her day. This helped. #kidding http://twitpic.com/2tzn3b #
- @crafty184 You might ask to have your box switched. in reply to crafty184 #
- @crafty184 It is atypical to have so much trouble. Think I've had three down hours (at most) in three years or so. in reply to crafty184 #
- @ehelfant 16 representing 60-70. Next year 60 representing 200. Twice monthly for a year after a year of tech (cont) http://tl.gd/6a8vdu in reply to ehelfant #
- @ehelfant we work directly with team leaders who are facilitating teams. in reply to ehelfant #
- @ehelfant would love to talk with you more. We started with TPACK as an organizing frame. It's still implicitly (cont) http://tl.gd/6a90q3 in reply to ehelfant #
- @ehelfant sounds like a good addition. in reply to ehelfant #
- @willrich45 @chrislehmann @garystager A short bus. in reply to willrich45 #
- @dmagy The red double forks is my favorite t-shirt ever. Can I order a second one? in reply to dmagy #
- Looking for some thoughtful writing on discipline and young children. I'm not yet doing as well as a dad as I'd like to be. #
- Just bought parenting books by @alfiekohn and Becky Bailey. We will see where those get us. #
- @karlfisch That's one of the books I just bought. Glad it's got your seal of approval. in reply to karlfisch #
- Thanks for the suggestions, tweeps. Off to do some reading. #
- @karlfisch @chrislehmann Seems a theme today. in reply to karlfisch #
- Got an e-mail this weekend. Subject line: "The Hope Thing." Man, that's a poem waiting to be written. Go for it. #
- “I don’t even look at the letters anymore. I listen to the hesitation in patients’ voices.” – @msstewart @ In For Good – http://goo.gl/hz9F #
- Speaking of titles – @karlfisch needs one – send him your suggestions. Something introductory. Please? #
- @msstewart _The Boy Detective Fails_. http://bit.ly/a6Hd3V in reply to msstewart #
- Today's moment of Quinn. http://twitpic.com/2ugdu5 #
- RT @ddmeyer: WCYDWT live starts up in three minutes. Fourteen spots remaining. https://my.dimdim.com/ddmeyer/ #
- @msstewart You won't be bored. in reply to msstewart #
- Dude's finding his zone. http://autodizactic.com/?p=560 #
- _Speaking of Faith_ changed its name to _Being_. I still like the show very much – and the show about the transition is fascinating. #
- If you've never listened, this is as good as any point to give it a try. http://being.publicradio.org/programs/2010/from-faith-to-being/ #
- @TeachaKidd You and me both. in reply to TeachaKidd #
- This book is delicious. http://twitpic.com/2uiqws #
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