The Podcast: Infrastructure Matters

Today’s podcast is an excerpt of Troy and Sara and my Reports from Cyberspace conversation at NCTE’s 2010 Annual Convention. Specifically, this is my prepared section of the presentation, which I’ve called “Infrastructure Matters.” Infrastructure does matter, and it’s never been more important to make sure that the conditions for learning exist in every element […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-11-29

I don't have time to make these calls today but I'll find some. It's that important. You? # Today, by the way, is #blog4reform day. It's okay to #dial4reform too. # Corrected link to info on Coburn amendment and its implications. Thanks, @willrich45, for letting me know first was bad. # Finally registered […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-11-22

Giant white flakes gently drifting down. Surprise snow. Beautiful. # Internet safety conversation went well. Lots of concerned parents. Biggest takeaway – it's all about modeling. # Paying bills. # Need to be writing. Nothing to say at the moment, though. Or at least it seems that way. Nothing tactful, that is. # @milobo Did […]

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Well Isn’t It?

I’m listening to Donalyn Miller right now speaking about reading and writing and teaching at the NWP Annual Meeting in Orlando. She just mentioned a conversation that I wanted to get down before I forgot it. Donalyn was asked about her students’ reading. “Your students,” the inquirer asked, “read fifty books a year without any […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-11-15

@SVVSDHD Oddly, mine worked fine. in reply to SVVSDHD # @jimgroom Sure thing. Kind of neat, huh? in reply to jimgroom # Department of Learning Services meeting. Lots of cross-program conversation today. # Wasn't that supposed to be the point of charters? Why is this news? (Because it's so rare?) # @donalynbooks Unfortunately, I'm […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-11-08

Spending the day embedded at Blue Mountain Elementary. Who knows what the day holds? Should be fun. # @MrChase Oops. in reply to MrChase # NWP's Digital Is website is live. Should be fun to watch it grow. # My collection on connective writing from Digital Is # @intrepidteacher Why does that matter? in […]

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The Week in Tweets for 2010-11-01

Some thinking I've been doing on online schools. # @willrich45 We issue laptops in our professional development work. People still ask me if they should bring them to our meetings. in reply to willrich45 # @MaryAnnReilly Yep. It's interesting – lots of culture that needs fiddling with. in reply to MaryAnnReilly # Talking about […]

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