NPM2009: Prompt 28

stubborn mother nature!
Creative Commons License photo credit: josette

Sometimes, it doesn’t take much.  Just a little bit of opportunity.  A teeny bit.  What almost impossible task might you accomplish with just a teeny chance?

3 thoughts on “NPM2009: Prompt 28

  1. Ken Allan says:

    “Another crumpled Golden Kiwi ticket!

    The jackpot’s 9.5 million this week.

    Chance would be a fine thing.”

    “Now that’s what I call lucky.

    There’s a car with registration 319WXG!

    What the chance of seeing that?”

    “Talk about flukes.

    Looked up at the sky last night.

    Saw two satellites crossing within,

    well, millimetres of one another.”

    “Just think.

    Of all the galaxies in the cosmos,

    by sheer coincidence,

    we happen to be right here.”

    “You and I.”

    “Better get another Golden Kiwi ticket.”

    Ken Allans last blog post..Technology Competency & 21st Century Learners

  2. Hope Flower

    I am eternal
    in this squeezed-out space between hard concrete
    and the feeling that nothing good ever comes of this
    or that.
    Yet, when all seems forgotten, I arrive
    in full bloom —
    a sudden burst of color to remind you
    of the possibilities of hope amidst the reality
    of disappointment.

    Listen to the podcast:

    Kevin Hodgsons last blog post..Cellular Mitosis Digital Picture Books

  3. Paul C says:

    The neighbour boy pounds the basketball with interminable shots at the hoop
    Hoping to dominate in basketball next year –
    Dribble, dribble, bobble, wobble…

    Paul Cs last blog post..GM Woes Amidst Camaro Launch

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