Worth Watching. And Thinking About.

    I tweeted this.  Then Dean posted it.  And he’s right to do so  – I’m forgetting to blog in the wake of Twitter.  And that’s a bad thing – worthy of a podcast in the near future.  Will’s having the same trouble, it seems, as are others in my network(s).  Things are getting ever-more complicated.  And that’s a good thing. 
    Anyway – I think this video is of interest to many – both because of the way it was made – which I like very much – as well as the accompanying post on the statistics behind its creation.  What a great model for transparency in creation – as well as a good piece for conversation.  Enjoy. 

12 thoughts on “Worth Watching. And Thinking About.

  1. Hey Bud
    I found and posted this vid, too.
    It’s a nice view inside the minds of college students and I also appreciated the behind-the-video/data collection information.

  2. Hello Bud,

    Thank you for posting the video, it was thought provoking and indicative of so much of what has gone awry with education in our country today. I find it interesting that you twittered the video before blogging it, and also that within a few sentences categorized the twittering as a bad thing but somehow a good thing too.

    As a classroom teacher, I have been avidly reading edublogs, including yours, for the last year or so. Lately it seems as though a bit of an echo chamber has been created. Now, a perfectly small echo chamber is available through twitter. I wish you the best and I hope that you find all you need to nourish the learner within you in this new environment.

    Personally, I do not have the time or energy to explore and maintain twitter. To me twitter is the canary in the coal mine telling me it is time to leave. My focus and time will, for now, go back to the school communities where conversations lead to actions, which lead to change for my students. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for your continued efforts to change learning for our students.


  3. My twitter network is still very small. Sometimes, I catch things better on blogs I follow. This is one of them. Very interesting. It ties in nicely to the Shift Happens and Pay Attention videos out there.

  4. This video was both fascinating and disturbing at the same time. This current generation of students will utilize technologies in ways my generation can not even contemplate. That is a good thing.

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This was so timely. I want to use it during a meeting this Friday. Did I say thank you? Oh, hey, gonna pull for the Rockies in the Series. 🙂

  6. I first found this video, not surprisingly, on Facebook (I am a college student). One of my friends shared it with me the other day. This video rings true for many college students, and while the data may not have been collected in the most unbiased way possible, it still portrays the life of a student in that class at that time. Obviously there is change that needs to be made to our education system, or there will continue to be students that just ‘slip through the cracks.’ In our days of growing technology, it can be hard to break out of the conventional mode and bring that into the classroom. However, thanks to classes like the ones that I am in now, I find that more and more teaches are progressing to the technology era, reaching more students, and making their lives easier at the same time.

  7. I really liked the video you posted. I am in high school and this kind of shows me more into what college is about and to tell you the truth some of it seems kind of pointless to me. Why do we need to buy the text books if they are not going to be used. Why do students take the time to do assignments if it is not going to help them in away except to pass the class? And for me my teacher should know my name. I believe if they are taking the time to teach us why not know us. I agree with David about our education system.

  8. I really like how this video as put together. Very well done. It proves that we are wasting money by purchasing book for our college classes that we’re not even going to use. It’s ridiculous!!! And i agree with Holly. My teachers should know my name. They’re teaching students everyday, so why can’t they know our names at least? I know them, therefore, they should know me. And they’re right. Every college student has to multi-task to get everything done in 24 hours. Even High School students have to multi-task to get anything done. With as many assignments we are all given a day. We have too.

  9. I think that this is a very interesting insight into the uses and misuses of technology through the view point of college students. Some of the points that they were trying to make confused me a little but it was a very well put together video and I guess I’ll just have to watch part 2 sometime.

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