Hitching a Conference Ride

    I’m sitting in a lonely ol’ room here at Copper Mountain preparing for my first TIE Conference in the morning.  I’m looking forward to a few days of spending time with other technology-minded folks.  David Warlick, who attends far more conferences than I do, has put together a new resource that I hope […]

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    If you want to see an artist at work, check out Quickmuse, an interesting little site where poets compete against the clock and we see all their stumbles, edits and revisions in realtime.  All of the poems and the writing sessions are archived.  Pretty cool.

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    Sheryl responded to Will’s concern by creating yet another wiki.  Okay.  I’ll play — at least one more time.  Here’s the wiki she’s created.  Let’s see what we can do with it.     Although, couldn’t one of these be useful, too?

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Yet ANOTHER Resource

Will’s got a post this morning in which he both lays out a new resource as well as expresses a concern that I’ve had for some time.  The resource looks useful — a Digg-ish site for teacher news.  The concern, though, is worth re-airing: And to be honest, this is all stemming from a bigger […]

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An Awareness Film: The Internet

            Here’s the next installment of OldeSchoolNews.com‘s Awareness Films.  The film is about the Internet.  Both the student and I agree that this isn’t as solid as the first piece — but we’ve both learned a lot along the way.  Hopefully, we’ll see more Awareness Films over the summer.  Future topics […]

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The Calm Before the Storm

    I’ll be traveling with my wife to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary starting tomorrow.  I’ll be offline during that time — as it should be — but I’ll be returning in a week or so with some interesting new content.  The will be beginning its Summer Institute next week, and we intend to […]

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