Off to Have an Adventure

  DSC03241    Originally uploaded by Bud the Teacher. Now that the conference is over, I’m off to have some fun.  My family will be reuniting on the East Coast to spend some time with our feet in the sand, listening to the surf.      The best part?  I’m going to be introducing my […]

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My Apologies

    If you tried to stop by to the blog today and you weren’t able to get the page to load — my apologies to you.  Apparently, the coComment block that I added to my sidebar was causing the site to misload or not load at all.  I’ve lost the coComment block until they […]

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    I’ve had the opportunity at TIE  to meet Karl Fisch, share a meal with him, and watch him present.  Two words sum up my excitement for what he and his school are up to in terms of professional development and collaboration:  Pay attention.   We’ll be seeing some good stuff coming out of their […]

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Sandbox Wiki

    I’ve created a sandbox wiki for ideas that I’ve gotten from Phil’s presentation.  I’m calling it a "sandbox" because you can also use it to play around with wiki editing.  You’ll need to create an account to edit — but it’s really easy to do.  Check it out and add your own ideas.

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The Twilight Zone

    I’m attending a session on blogging and podcasting and wikis this morning from a librarian in my school district.  I was curious to see what he was up to with these tools at his school.  Imagine my surprise when my name and blog address came up on his presentation screen.      Very […]

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Real Words?

    Topics like this one keep me listening to Open Source: Lurking in the background is an old (and tired?) debate among linguists, anthropologists, and lexicographers about what constitute ‘real’ words and the authority to determine them. Prescriptive linguists argue spoken or written language ought to follow established rules; descriptive linguists are more concerned […]

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